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                Sitting alone in the back of a coffee hub in the city, I typed away on my laptop trying to finish an essay that was due in a week’s time. Usually, I left it until the last minute but for once I was doing things ahead of time. November was flying by and Thanksgiving was just around the corner which meant that Parker was coming back home for the first time in two years.

                With my ear-buds plugged into my ears, Memphis May Fire played at a high volume so the buzz around the café wouldn’t reach me and distract me. A lot of people thought I was weird for listening to my music so loud while I worked. They often asked how I was able to concentrate with the music I listened to blasting in my ears.

                The truth was I worked better that way. Music helped me concentrate and the louder it was, the better.

                I was half way done with my essay when a tall figure towered over my table and slowly took a seat. I briefly glanced up between typing the last words to my sentence and the person sitting before me. So absorbed in my work, I had failed to notice who it was the first time around.

                I had gone weeks without seeing him or any of his little friends, yet, when I really needed to be alone to concentrate and do my work, he had to show up. I stopped typing; my fingers hovered over the keys as I stared at Dylan in confusion.

                Slowly, I lowered the screen to my laptop and pulled out my earphones.

                Dylan grinned at me as he leaned back in his seat, “Hey.”

                Cutting straight to the point, I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. “Can I help you?” I asked with a cold voice.

                Dylan’s grin simply grew as the words slipped through my lips, “Actually, you can.”

                I arched a brow at him and waited for him to continue.

                “We need to talk,” he told me.

                “No we don’t,” I told him.

                “I think we do,”

                “Well, I know we don’t. So if you could please leave me alone, I’m a bit busy.” I snapped as I raised the screen of my laptop and went to plug my earphones back into my ears.

                Dylan’s hand flew out so quickly, I missed the part where he slammed my laptop screen down and pulled my earphones out of my ears.

                “What the hell? Are you fucking idiotic?!” I yelled with narrowed eyes as I stared at Dylan.

                He was no longer grinning. In fact, an impassive expression had taken over as he leaned forward in his seat, his elbows now resting on the table top.

                “We need to talk. I’m done chasing you around this fucking city, Aspen, and quite frankly, I wish to be doing something better with my time than chasing some fucked up emo chick around a city that my time has expired in. So for once, shut the fuck up and listen.” His words were low, bitter, and demanding. He was annoyed, frustrated, and a bit pissed off.

                I remained silent and leaned back in my chair, ready to listen to what he had to say.

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