Introduction: Believe in Me

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(WARNING: Grammar, spelling, and just writing in general errors are in every chapter. Read with your own will.)

Hello! This part is pretty much introducing you guys to the main character, Lani and how the story will start! 5SOS won't be mentioned till the next part so bear with me! Hope you all enjoy!

Just reminding you, 5SOS is not in this chapter, so you can skip this if you want! It's just an indtroduction of the main character Lani! Skim it if you want, but the excitment happens in the next chapter!


"This is some kind of sick joke, right?" I sighed to my parents while my dear step mother is crying and my father is shaking his head at me.

"No, the sick joke is you getting caught with a knife in your bag at school!" My father yelled at me.


"BECAUSE I'M YOUR DAUGHTER DAMN IT." I slapped the table and stood up, "But I guess you're just SO happy with your new life and new family that you forgot that I was actually related to you."

My step mother looked at me, and sighed, "Lani.."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT, RACHEL." I raised my voice at her, and she flinched back.

"DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT HER." My father yelled at me
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Are we done here?"

"What has gotten into you, Lani?" My father sighed, "You used to be on top of things with photography, guitar, your grades."

I chuckled and shaking my head, "That's what you think, but you know absolutely NOTHING about me." I looked at him, "Just because you're entitled as my 'father' doesn't mean you really are one to me."

My father eyes widened at me, and pursed his lips. I grinned at him, "Now that you have nothing else to say. I would love to hear my punishment."

My father rubbed the back of his neck, "We'll talk about that later. I need to make a phone call."

"Great!" I took my jacket, and bag and started walking towards the stairs till my step mother yelled out, "Please don't break anything."

I rolled my eyes, "You know, I'm still human, I have conscience, you inconsiderate minger."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL HER?" My father yelled out, and I yelled back, "You used to live in London, figure it out yourself."

Now, I bet you're wondering what the hell is going since you made it this far. I'm Malulani Mercado. I know, weird name, right? Well, Malulani is hawaiian which means under heaven's protection. Malulani is from my mother who is Hawaiian while Mercado is my father's last name who is half Filipino. I can't wait to get rid of it when I'm older. So, I bet your thinking I'm some kind of rebellious kid with parent problems. Actually, the opposite. I'm doing just fine in school with five A's, one B and ONE C (Damn you, Chemistry.) I don't get in much trouble, because I don't really have any friends. Well, not anymore, actually. No, I'm not anti social, I have "friends" but none are close to me. That's just high school for me. My dad thinks I'm being all rebellious because I have no friends, have ONE C and B, don't really play guitar anymore, and quit photography. It's not that at all. I'm not going through a rebellious stage. I'm just lost. Shit happened that messed me up and I'm just trying to figure things out.

I was in my "room" now, and I was laying down looking at the ceiling. I heard a knock on the door, and when it opened, I groaned, "What do you want?" I heard my step brother laughing, "Got in some trouble, Lani?"

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