Chapter 9: Alluring

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"I want a stitch." Luke announced as we're watching Lilo & Stitch with the guys, "I think that would be awesome."

We're in Dallas, Texas now, and the guys will perform tomorrow night so we felt we should take some time to relax after their busy schedule by watching a Disney movie. The guys are sitting on the floor while I was sitting on the coach. They wanted to watch Lilo & Stitch to represent my Hawaiian side which I don't mind.
"Did you guys know Lani used to do Hula?" Uncle Ben announced when he was in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich.
"OH GOD." I groaned, covering my face with my hands while the guys paused the movie and snapped their heads at me, gasping, "REALLY?!"
"It was a long time ago!" I yelled at the guys, "I don't even remember some of the moves anymore."
"Why did you stop?" Luke asked, resting his cheek on my knee.
I shrugged, "I just had to." I put my hand on top of his head.
We been like this lately ever since Luke wanted to get to know me better. Luke would be a little affectionate towards me by resting his head on my shoulder, letting me wear his jackets or flannels, cover my ears every time Michael and Ashton would play their instruments uber loud, and so on.
"Do you wanna dance for us?" Michael smiled at me, and I shook my head, "Hell no."
"Oh come on!" "You have to!!" "Please Lani?!" The guys started begging and I heard Uncle Ben hollering, "For old time sakes?!"
I rolled my eyes and groaned, "FINE."
So, I took out my phone and played He Me No Lilo which is the hula dance from the movie and it plays in the opening.
"To warn you guys, I forgot some moves, so I might look like an idiot."
"We don't know Hula," Calum laughed, "So, we might not even tell the difference on what's right and wrong."
"True," I nodded, "Very true." When the song started, I began to dance the moves, and surprisingly, I remembered more than I thought I did. I was swaying, and I felt like it was old times again. Man, these guys would be making me do all the things I used to do.

When I was, the guys clapped their hands, and started cheering for me. I bowed, "Thank you, Thank you very much."
"Man, Lani," Ashton said, "you can do a lot of things."
I shrugged, and plopped back on the coach, "I can do a few."
"You stopped doing a lot of them, huh?" Michael continued, and I nodded, "Yeah, I did."
"But hey," Luke sat beside me, "You've been doing a lot of them now, thanks to us."
"Most definitely." I smiled at him, "Thanks to you guys." I looked at all them, and they were not only smiling at me but also wiggling their eyebrows at Luke. Ah, I'm very thankful for these guys even though they're a bunch of weirdos.
Then my phone started ringing, and I asked Ashton who is closer to my phone, "Can you check who it is?"
When he did, he gave it to me, saying, "It's your dad."
I took it, and answered immediately, "Yes, father?" and walked to my room.
"Hello Lani," My dad said, "How is the trip going?"
"Fantastic, actually."
"That's great to hear."
"What do you want, father?"
"I just want to check up on you."
"Well, I'm fine. I'm having fun. What else do you want?"
He sighed really loud, "I guess you're still mad at me."
I rolled my eyes, "Of coarse."
"Lani, I just wanted what is best for you."
"By taking away everything that made me happy?"
"Photography and Guitar was your choice, remember that."
"Yeah, but you weren't there to help me. You're my dad, you're supposed to help me through thick and thin. Pick me up when I fall. Not bring me down even more." He was quiet for a while, and I started tearing up, "I'm your daughter. Did you forget that?" My voice started to crack and sound shaky, "I don't even know what is my best, so how can you possibly know what's 'best' for me?"
"Because I'm your dad." He finally said but I spat out, "You don't even act like it! Do you have any idea how much this is hurting me? You are so busy taking care of your new wife that you forgot you have a daughter to take care of also? I'm tired of pretending, dad. I'm not happy when I'm with you. When I'm in your house, I feel like I'm suffocating because I'm not happy and my own blood related dad doesn't even notice." I wiped my tears, and sighed, "I'm sorry about throwing all these things at you, but if you want to know, I'm happy right now. I feel like me again, and I want to treasure this while I still can. When I come back, I will be different, and I will do MY best and not yours."
My father was quiet for while till he sighed, "Okay, Lani. I understand."
"Now, can you be a normal dad for a minute and ask me how the trip is going?" I heard him chuckle which I haven't heard in a very long time, "How's the trip going?"
"It's great actually. I'm doing photography again."
"Really? That's fantastic!" He cheered, sounding like a Brit again.
"Yeah," I laid down on my bed, "Uncle Ben got me a new camera, and I've been playing with it lately. The guys I'm actually traveling with posted them online! Do you the website 'Twitter'?"
He laughed, "Of coarse."
"Well, the guys posted them on Twitter, and a lot of their fans like them! They're demanding for more pics of the guys."
"That's amazing. I'm really proud of you, Lani." When he said that, my heart stung a little because it's been a while since he said that. The sting is not the uber bad sting, but the good sting. I really like the feeling of it.
I smiled, "Thanks, Dad."
Then we started talking for a little bit more. Apparenly, Leo is back at his apartment, and met a girl! Yay, he's now a taken man. After a while, I heard a knock on the door, "Uh dad, hold on for a bit."
I opened the door, and I see Uncle Ben standing with the sandwich, "Is that your dad?" he whispered to me and I nodded, "Wanna talk to him?" Uncle Ben nodded, and I gave him my phone, "Here's Uncle Ben, Dad."
"FRANKIE!" Uncle Ben cheered on the phone and came inside the room, "Being a little prick again, I hear."

"It's Something" # 1- Something Crazy: Luke Hemmings [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now