Chapter 30: Curiosity & Suspicion

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“Ian, for the last time, I’m not going to the after party.” I groaned, “I’m heading home after prom.”

We were eating lunch together with his friends who I find fun but utterly annoying when it comes to parties. Ian’s friends consist of party animals, fake girls who pretend to they like each other but talks crap about one another, and douche bags who thinks they’re the shit when they look like total idiots to me.

“Come on, babe,” Ian put his arm around my shoulder, “It’ll be fun!”

“Don’t call me Babe.” I groaned, and moved his off, “I’m not your girlfriend.”

“Not yet at least.” Ian grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes, “Not ever.”

“Dang,” He whistled, “You’re attitude and eye roll is kind of sexy.”

“So I’ve been told.” I grinned, thinking about Luke who I should really text back.

“I like a girl with an attitude.” Ian scooted closer to me, “Come on, Lani. Just admit it, you kind of dig me.”

“The only thing I want to dig is my studies so.” I took my books, and stood up, “Will you excuse me.”

“Ian, why would you ask that girl to Prom?” A girl asked, “She doesn’t really fit in with us.”

I rolled my eyes and headed to the art room to meet up with Natalie.

“God,” Natalie groaned, “I hate that crew. Let’s be real. The only reason why Ian asked you because he wants you in bed.”

“Like that’s ever gonna happen.” I said as I swallowed my sandwich, “I mean, I’m just wondering why me.”

“Why not? You’re attractive.”

“In what universe?”

Natalie started laughing, “Lani, you’re attractive. I mean, you have Luke Hemmings wrapped around your finger and that only took a couple weeks. You’re attractive.”

I giggled, “Thanks.” then I took out my phone, and texted Luke saying,

“Seriously, what is there attractive about me?”

Then I got an immediate reply from him saying, “Almost everything about you :)”

I started rolling my eyes, giggling, and Natalie nudged me, “See you two are getting better.”

I nodded, “Yeah, we’re getting there.”

“That’s better then nothing!” Natalie put her arm around me, “It took you guys long enough.”

I shrugged, “We’re like that.”

Okay, a few days after prom dress shopping with Natalie, I decided to call Luke through webcam, and within a heartbeat, he answered right away, panting, “LANI!” Then a huge grin started to form on his face, and I can’t help but to let out a laugh because his hair was so messy, and all over the place.

“Good morning, Hemmings.” I smiled, “Looking good.”

He groaned, “Shut up.” and started fixing his hair.

“How are you doing?”

“Horrible.” Luke started whining, “I missed you so much, Lani, and about Vanessa. She’s-”

I stopped him by saying, “Look, if you like her, then-”

“that would be totally insane!!” Luke started laughing, “Look, Vanessa haves a boyfriend and his name is Greg. He’s the one who walked in on us and brought up her name. Vanessa is definitely not my type.”

“And why not?” I pouted and he smiled at me, “Because she’s not you.”

I covered my face out of embarrassment, “LUKE HEMMINGS. STOP IT.”

“WHAAT?!” He started laughing louder, “Lani, it’s true.”

“You’re being all mushy again.” I put my hands on my cheeks, and he nodded, “Just for you.”

I sighed, “Okay, so Vanessa is just a friend with a big ego?”

He nodded fast, “Definitely. I’m guessing Calum told you about her.”

“Well,” I rolled my eyes, “SOMEBODY didn’t tell me about her.”

Luke nodded, “I know, I know. I’m an idiot.”

“I’m guessing one of the guys told you that.” I chuckled, and he nodded even more, “Yes, YES. I’ve been told.”

“GOOD.” I exclaimed, “Because what you did was stupid. I don’t care how mad you are, I don’t ever want you to treat me like that ever.”

“Babe..” Luke sighed, “I know, it was stupid and I’m sorry, but it just hurts me that you want to webcam less. I mean, don’t you feel happy seeing me?”

I nodded, “I do, but I want you to sleep. You’ve been acting cranky when we were webcamming throughout the day because you would wake up early for me. I know I should’ve considered how would you feel about, and I’m sorry. I’m just trying to look out for you, that’s all.”

“Oh Lani,” He chuckled, “How kind of you.”

I rolled my eyes, and he said, “Can we just agree that what we did was so stupid and should pass this?”

I nodded, “I like that, but I am cutting webcam time with you cause you need to sleep and rest.”

Luke smiled at me, “I can deal with that.”

I can’t help but to smile back, and said, “You called me babe for the first time.”

“Was that awkward?” he scratched the back of his head, “Cause it kind of slipped and..”

“It was just fine.” I finished his sentence, and “Just fine.”

“Good, cause I’m planning on calling you that a couple more times.”

“Call me whatever you want, Hemmings.”

“I love you, sweetie pie.” Luke blew a kiss to me and I shook my head, “Anything but that.”

“Munchkins?” He giggled.



“Are you seriously calling me an insect? Romantic.”


“But love BUG?” I snickered at him, “Yeah, that’s not cute.”

He started laughing, “That’s true.”

After that day, we been better for the next couple of weeks and it feels fantastic.

“There you go,” Natalie nudged me as we were walking to the parking lot, “Smiling like an idiot again.”

“I can’t help it.” I sighed, “I’m loving an idiot.”

She started laughing, “That’s very true.”

Then I saw my dad’s car, and patted Natalie’s shoulder, “See you tomorrow?”

She nodded, “Yeah, and remember, MEET UP MY HOUSE THIS WEEKEND TO GET READY FOR PROM!!”

I yelled back, “OF COARSE!!”

As I walking to my car, I saw Ian running towards me and said, “Wait up.”

I rolled my eyes, “What do you want?”

Ian ran his fingers through his thick dark brown hair which actually reminds me of Calum but I prefer Calum’s hair, “I know I haven’t made the best impression with you, and I do want to apologize for my behavior during lunch.”

I nodded, “How considerate.”

He flashed a smile, “So, to make it up, I was wondering if you want to go out somewhere.”

“Like a date?”

Ian nodded, and bit his lower lip which had no affect on me whatsoever, “Yeah.”

I chuckled and shook my head, “Thanks for the offer, but we’re just friends. Nothing more.”

His face fell, “You did just friend zoned me.”

“Ian, you’re a great guy and all, but,” I sighed, “I have guy in mind already.”

“You’re lying.” Ian scoffed, “How come I never seen you with him?”

“He doesn’t go here. He lives somewhere else.”

“Lani, I get that you’re ready for a relationship and all because of what happened last time with Rob, doesn’t mean you can’t just let guys down without giving them a chance.”

“Oh my god,” I started snickering, “You’re kidding me right? You and other guys here think I’m rejecting all of you because of my ex boyfriend and he’s the reason why I’m not ready for a relationship?”

“It seems like it.” Ian nodded, and I rolled my eyes, “Don’t get your guy’s thoughts twisted with reality.” Thank you Ashton for the advice, “My ex boyfriend haves nothing to do with me, and I’m already in a relationship.”

“Then prove it.” Ian raised his eyebrows at me, “Bring him to prom.”

“I just told you he’s not from here.”

“Then where is he?”

I mumbled, “In a different country.” This sounds so bad, but I seriously don’t feel like explaining my relationship with Luke to Ian. It’s just private.

“You are such a liar, Lani.” Ian grinned at me, “You just don’t wanna be with me because you’re scared.”

“I’m scared of nothing.” I scowled, “Especially pigs like you.”

“Ouch, but once prom is over, you’re gonna be mine, Lani.” Ian smiled at me, “I promise you I’m not a pig.”

“Uh-huh,” I nodded, “Just a guy accusing me as a liar.”

He shrugged, “No proof, no guy in my eyes.”

“Then you must be very blind. I’m just your date, nothing more.” I said, “See you this weekend.” then started walking to my dad’s car.

“Who was that?” My dad asked as he was driving us home and I shook my head, “A pig that I call my date.”

“He looks..” my dad paused, and smiled at me, “Friendly.”

I started laughing, “Oh god, don’t compliment him dad. He’s anything but friendly.”

My dad nodded, as he started driving, “Are you still with that Duke guy?”

“Luke, dad, it’s Luke and yes, I am. It’s only four letters, seriously, how can you get that wrong?”

“I’m old. Don’t judge me.”

I chuckled, “Okay, I’ll stop.”

“So,” my dad said, “I gotta ask you somethings.”


“Did you like taking pictures at the tour you went to?”

“Loved it, actually.”

“Do you still like photography?”

“Dad, I’m back on the photography club.” I giggled, and he started laughing also, “Good. Just wondering.”

“Why are you asking questions about all this?” I looked at him and he shrugged, “Just asking. Can your old man be curious?”

“I guess.” I smiled, “I guess you can be just ‘curious’, dad.”

As we got home, I went straight to my room to do some homework so when I’m done, I could call Luke, but I kept stealing glances at my camera, causing me to be distracted. My dad’s questions made me thinking about photography and the tour. I stared leaning back, missing the tour. I wish I could be part of there UK tour withe One Direction, but yeah right my dad would let me. Even though things are better between me and the old man, I know I’ll be going away unless I’m being punished.

“I can’t believe your going on another tour!” I groaned as I was webcamming with Luke, “AND IT’S WITH ONE DIRECTION!”

“I’m guessing your a fan?” Luke grinned at me and I shook my head, “No, that means, larger stages, more room for acting shots. UGH.”

“You should come with us!”

“First of all, it’s in a different country, and second, like my dad would actually let me go.”

“He let you go with us during the last tour.”

“As a punishment, remember?”

“That wasn’t a very good punishment then.” Luke chuckled, “Cause we happened.”

“Punishments aren’t always so bad.” I smiled at him.

“But seriously, you should really come cause your shots are always the best.”

“Again, it’s just me pointing my camera at something, and pressing a button. I don’t know why you guys kept saying that my shots are the best.”

“I really don’t know how to explain it.” Luke sighed, “There’s just something about them that the guys and the fans love about them.”

“Right.” I nodded, “Anyways, my date thinks your not real.”

“What do you mean?” Luke furrowed his eyebrows at me, and I giggled, “Chill. Ian thinks that I won’t give him or any guy a chance because I’m scared but I told him that there’s a guy in my life.” Luke flashed a wide smile at me, and I continued, “But he didn’t believe me and wants me to be his.”

“THAT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN.” Luke practically shouted and jumped, and I started laughing, “Luke Hemmings, sit down before you hurt yourself.”

“Sorry,” Luke sighed, and sat down, “I just hate it when guys think they can take you so easily. I mean, I worked hard, okay? Very hard to get you to be mine!”

“What are you trying to say about me, Hemmings?” I looked at him.

“I’m saying, Malualni, is that you’re not easy, and I’m a very lucky guy since I have a chance with you.”

Luke gave me grin, “And that Ian guy haves no chance.”

I smiled, “That’s true.”

“So, your prom is this weekend?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I can’t believe I’m actually going.”

“Well, you’re going to be beautiful in that white prom dress.”

I rolled my eyes, but smiled at him, “I wish you could be there to see the dress in person.”

“Oh trust me, I’ll be there in spirit.” He gave me a mischievous grin.

“What do you mean by that, Hemmings?” I scowled at him since he’s being a mysterious.

“Oh nothing, babe.” Luke sighed, “Nothing at all.”

“GOD.” I groaned, “First my dad, now you.”

He just shrugged and started laughing at me while I was rubbing my temples out of annoyance, “I hate you all.”

“Love you too, Lani.”

During dinner, Rachel asked this random question about Luke.

“Is that Luke boy nice?”

I looked at her and she was giving me a friendly smile, “I’m just curious.”

“Why is everyone so curious today?”

She giggled, “It’s a curious day. So tell me! Is he nice?

“This is the first time you ever asked about Luke.”

“I know! I just want to get to know him a bit more.”

“Well, he’s a nice guy.” I shrugged, “Talented, nice, cool guy.”

She nodded, “Do you miss him?”

“A lot.” then put leaned back, “Why are you bringing up Luke all of the sudden? We been together for a few weeks already and you never mentioned him once to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad but this is kind of suspicious.”

Both my dad and Rachel started laughing and Rachel put her hand on top of mine, “Trust me, it’ll all makes sense later.”

I nodded, “Uh-huh. Everyone is being really weird today, that’s for sure.”

“Curiosity is a weird thing, Lani.” My dad smiled at me and I continued eating, “So is suspicion.”


eh, i feel like this chapter is utter crap. i wrote this during my vacation in Las Vegas and i just rolled with it. i feel like i could've done so much better but my brain is currently fried. i'm so sorry. i'm going through a tough time with writing right now >.< i'm uber sorry.

&quot;It's Something&quot; # 1- Something Crazy: Luke Hemmings [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now