8th Mark and happy?

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Why can't I be happy with Sean like I'm happy with Ken?

Ken is a great guy and I don't deserve him, his family is very welcoming.

I've been here at Ken's house for a week now.
And I haven't seen Sean and I am mostly wearing boy clothes for a whole week.
I do the dishes and help with household chores in re pay of me staying here.

Its cute when we all eat (we meaning by me, Ken and his parents ken's brother was barely home) Ken's parents embarrass him telling me Ken's childhood.
And I laugh but in the inside dying, thinking Is Loving Sean a mistake?

Today was the day when I had to come home take all my clothes and my stuff.

"Ken, I literally need to stop wearing your clothes"

"Well then walk around naked"

"No thats not what I mean, I mean I need to get my clothes can you come with me?"

"So your moving into my house?"

"No, but if you want me stay I will"

"Okay, I'll come but treat me ice cream"

"I'll try San Jose if there is money on my wallet"

"Don't worry there will be"

"Yeah, yeah lets go!" I screamed


As I knocked on the door, no one answered,

what if he's with another girl?
What if he killed himself?
I am ready?

"Sean! I know your in there open up!"

The door slowly opened

"Looks who's back, the girl that gave me pity"

"I leave you for One week and your like this"

"And look she bough her stupid friend"

"Stop, he's not stupid and Im not here for you I'm here for my stuff move"
I pushed him back and went upstairs

Ken's POV

"Bro whats up?" I asked Sean

"None of your business" Sean said back

"Wtf are you doing here you anyway? You trying to pick on my girlfriend" Sean exclaimed

"Sean you and Y/N not a thing anymore, what you expect her to come back on after what you did"

"What did you say?" Sean said angrily

I started to get angry, how could Sean hurt a girl like Y/N I don't like her. But shes like my sisters and I care.

"I said you and Y/N aren't a thing anymore!"


By a blink of an eye I could feel blood dripping down my lip.

Sean Lew just punched me

"Dude I'm not messing with you!"


"Dude I'm not messing with you!"
I heard Ken scream down stairs

As I rush down stairs


Ken and Sean are fighting,
Ken is wrecked his lip is busted and he has a black eye..
Sean, he has a bleeding fist from Ken's face.

I ran up to them pushing Sean away from Ken

"Stop!! Please just stop!"

"Ken started it!" Sean screamed

"That does mean you finish it, no OMG grow up Sean stop hiding your mistakes, we're done"

I grabbed my suit case and helped Ken up and we went outside.

"Ken, I'm so so-rry you can't go home like this Ken, are you okay I'm really sorry I wi-"

"You wish I didn't come with you, then you'll be the one punched, okay Y/N, Im okay"

"I love you Ken"

"I love you too"......

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