17: is it my fault?

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As much as Maia wanted to stay angry, she has forgiven her (ex)boyfriend very fast for the whole turning thing. Ever since she ran away from her home when she found out what happened, Maia never really lived anywhere. Of course she lives at the police station from the pack, but a house is something from a far away past, at least untill Jordan showed up again. The appartment he shares with Simon is Maia's second home, which was very awkward at first because of the whole dating Izzy and Maia at the same time issue. Now they're okay, not like Simon has been home much the past few weeks and that's why they weren't really expecting him to suddenly showed up, the two werewolves were even more surprised when he wasn't alone.

Maia and Jordan had been watching tv slash making out on the comfortable couch, they didn't hear a door or a window open but suddenly Simon was standing there. Not to forget with a almost maked Isabelle Lightwood in his arms. Maia blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't half asleep and quickly she pulled her shirt down. Jordan opened his mouth to say something when Jace and Magnus appeared out of thin air. "Simon, what the hell are you doing here?" Jordan said. Jace looked around and realized where he had landed and said; "couldn't have said it any better myself, what were you thinking when you stepped trough that portal bloodsucker?" Simon just sighed and ignored the questions, carrying Izzy to his room. The rest of the companion didn't move and stood there awkwardly.

When Simon returned, without Izzy, to the living room the silence got filled with questions aimed at the vampire. "Calm down, this was just the first place I could think of, okay," Simon said annoyed. Jace mumbled something that sounded like "perv" but Simon simply ignored him, again. "Even though she won't really show it, she is in pain," Simon continued. "Jace, do you have a stele? Please do what can. I'm going to make her some tea." Jace nodded, he wasn't sure if an iratze could do much for these older injuries but he didn't want to stress Simon out with this. Jordan stood up and asked; "with she you mean Isabelle Lightwood? Wasn't she dead?" No one answered him. Maia got up too, and offered to get loan Izzy some clothes. While the tea was boiling, Simon sighed gratefully for all these people in his life.

"They're gone," Jeanne Levesque cried. She shrieked when she noticed the two figures in her kitchen, quickly trying to get up her feet again. "I-I tried to," she stutters. But the on with the white hair raises his hand, silencing her. "You have been of great use to me, let them feel a little euphoric. They have escaped me once before, but this was the last time they will out run me," the man spoke. He called himself The Morgenstern, some people knew him as Jonathan, some as Sebastian. Jeanne stared at the redhead, then looked up and Mr Morgenstern nodded. She flew with her arms around the one that accopanied Sebastian Morgenstern and ruffeld her hands trough his red hair. "Marc, Marc I've missed you so much." "Ma soleil," the man whispered back. "Oh yeah, don't beg it's okay. You can have your husband back, as long as you remember how generous I was to you this day," said Sebastian Morgenstern. The couple nodded, their hands linked inseperable. There was no poof, or sound. As quick as he came The Morgenstern was gone again.

"No get it away from me," Izzy screamed, she was freaking out. Simon quickly ran into her room, "Jace what have you done?" But the siblings didn't notice him. "Look at my arms, my bare arms. Can't you spot a difference? THERE ARE NO MARKS ON MY ARMS," Izzy yelled at Jace. She finished in a whisper; "even the permanent marks are gone." Jace tool a deep breath, "so now you think-" "That your simple iratze will turn me into a forsaken," Izzy finished. "yes that is what I think, indeed."

A heavy silence landed in the room, Simon was the first to speak up. "Iz, I'm sorry but maybe it's time to tell us what happened back there."

Isabelle has closed her eyes, so she didn't see Simon sitting next to her but she had felt the bed sink in when he sat down. She leaned her head on his shoulder, and talked.

"He was on the plane, he hijacked it as the mundane films would say. I had a stele, but turns out you can't create portals mid air on a plane."

"Who was there?" Jace interrupted. Izzy didn't answer and just knew without even opening her eyes that Simon has shot Jace a look to make him shut up.

"All he came for was her, all he wanted was her. He didn't even noticed I was on the plane too. It was a smart move, I must admit. Nothing has less weapons than a flying plane."

Izzy took a deep breath. "Her as in Clary, yes," she said, answering the unasked question. Simon's arm around her encouraged her to go on. Izzy lifted her head, opened her eyes and went on.

"She was all self sacraficing, and saying things like; "safe yourself" "tell them I love them" "you have to go back for them" and so on. I wanted to fight, but of course Clary didn't want to risk all these peoples lives. Who were like zombies to be honest, they didn't notice any of the commotion. Maybe the pilot was in zombie mode too, anyways the plane was going lower and Sebastian panicked, he seriously panicked. Well, so did I."

"She was uncomscious when I last saw here. Sebastian's side kick held her limp body with a parachute on his back, Sebastian had a parachute too. I knew the plane was going to crash and I had no idea how to save all those people so I grabbed a parachute and jumped after them."

"YOU JUST LET HER GO?" Jace yelled. Izzy slowly nodded, "it's all my fault." Simon pressed his lips on the side of her head, "Clary can be extremely stubborn, Iz. It's not your fault." And to Jace he said; "at least we know now that Clary didn't die in the plane crash."

Jace threw his hands up in surrender. "Oh yay, because now Sebastian might be torturing her and that is so much better." "We will find her, Jace," Izzy reassured him. "We? You can barely even walk, Iz. What reminds me of something else. You're not telling us everything." Isabelle sighed; "there's not much more to tell. My ankle snapped when I landed in the middle of friggin nowhere, there was no sign of any human beings. I tried to crawl to a town in the distance and woke up in the bed you found me in today. I passed out and was found."

"The marks, Isabelle Lightwood. Get to the point, cut the details," Jace said. "They have been fading ever since I woke up in Jeanne's house, I had no time to worry about it really till that iratze," Izzy finished. Neither of the boys knew what to say on that. "Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's just the fact that you were without steles and shadowhunter stuff?" Simon tries. No one is very convinced, no one is very optimistic lately too. "I'll get you a silent brother appointment for tomorrow Iz, it's probably not as bad as we think," Jace offers. "Let's get you home." At first Izzy wants to say, 'I am home'. She swallows and says; "I'm tired Jace," hoping he would take the hint. It's not that Simon's appartment was here home, it's not that she stayed here a lot before, she just felt safe and home here next to her boyfriend. She never really imagined that a boy would make her feel like that, Isabelle Lightwood had always been the strong independant woman type. Only now she has realized that even she can't take everything on her own. Mean while Jace was already at the door. "Yeah right, see you tomorrow and take it easy."

"I'm going to-" Simon started, but Izzy stopped him. "Please don't leave, stay with me." A little smile formed around Simon's lips. "It's not funny, Si. I can't sleep here alone, don't even start to offer to take the couch please." Simon wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of Izzy's head. "I'm just glad you don't shut me out," he whispers.



My apologies for the long wait! I won't bother you with a list of excuses but really; SORRY.

Like always I'd love to hear what you think, and don't forget to vote lovelies.

see ya later alligator

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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