4: Can you hear it too?

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Quickly Clary drew a silent rune on her upper arm. Isabelle told her to stay in her room but no way Clary was going to do that. She opened the door of Izzy’s room in complete silent and took a run to follow Iz. Isabelle had been so cryptic it made Clary super curious, what did Izzy mean? Why did she think Jace was a coward? Clary heard the elevator going up. Damn. Clary sprinted upstairs. She knew Jace would be in the greenhouse, and that is what she told Isabelle. When Jace was upset he would go to the greenhouse, because he loved that place and it made him think of Idris. Idris was home for every shadowhunter but for Clary it felt different. She loved the city of glass but New York would always be her hometown. Suddenly Clary stopped running; she reached the entry of the greenhouse. What if Jace wasn’t in here, just because Jace wasn’t upset about their break up? After all Jace was the one who had broke up with her. Clary took a deep breath and opened the door of the greenhouse; somehow she hoped he would be upset. Not because she wanted him to be hurt, no, she just hoped all these months had meant something to him. Clary heard Isabelle’s voice and slowly walked towards the sound. She hid a bit in the bushes and listened; she heard them but couldn’t see them. “-tell her, Jace!” That was Isabelle’s voice. Here we go again, Clary sighed. “Why do you even bother it, Iz?” Jace’s voice didn’t sound as steady as always and Clary felt the urge to hug him. “I bother because you are my brother and I care for you and you should stop being so self-sacrificing. Now you are hurting both yourself and Clary.” Izzy sounded upset but she was not done yet: “I also care for Clary because she is my friend and oh gosh why am I solving your problems, you two are acting so childish.” Clary knew Isabelle was right, she always was after all. Then Clary felt something at her foot, she shrieked too late to hold back. And Clary fell backwards into the bushes. There was a blue cat at her feet. Church, that cat was too smart for his own good. Clary was quite sure he wanted to betray her. Clary tried to get up, but while she moved she only got more stuck in the bushes. Clary lied back and looked at the bushes, she didn’t knew what it was. It reminded her a bit of devil’s snare from the Harry Potter movies. Struggling or resistance to Devil’s Snare will cause the plant to exert a greater force of constriction. Well fuck, Clary thought to herself. She moved her arm and indeed the plant reacted exactly as Devil’s Snare. What did Devil’s Snare in Hodge’s greenhouse? Then Clary heard footsteps and focused on the sound. “Jace, do you just walk away now?” “No Izzy, please shut up for a second. I heard Clary, something is wrong.” “Oh great”, Izzy says sarcastically. “And now he’s hallucinating too.” Jace just sighs and keeps walking. Clary chooses whether to get caught on eaves dropping or get strangled by this devil’s snare look-a-like. The choice is quickly made. “Jace” Clary’s voice is no more than a whisper. But it is enough for Jace to hear, the footsteps fasten. Then she sees his face appear. “Jace” Clary whispers again but with relief this time. Clary notices his eyes are a bit red. Did he cry? For a moment Clary forgets about the plants that are tangled around her and tries to get up. That wasn’t such a great idea.

Now Clary really screamed and Jace grabs his dagger. When he is about to torn that plant who is trying to kill Clary to tiny little pieces, Izzy hold him back. Jace knows it is ridiculous but he feels so much hatred for that Devil’s Snare. “Jace, that will only make it worse and you know it” Izzy sighed as if Jace was a little kid and now spoke to Clary: “Relax, don’t move. Slowly breathe in and out. That’s the only way you’re gonna get out.” Slowly, too slow if you ask Jace, the plants loosen around Clary. Jace grabs her feet and slowly he pulls her out of this Devil’s snare. He pulls Clary on her feet and hugs her really tight. But Clary pushes him away a bit and coughs, trying to catch her breath. “Really Jace? That plant didn’t strangle me but now you do.” Jace smiles, he couldn’t help it. “Sorry Iz”, Clary whispers. “Yeah it’s fine, now lovebirds, make up” Isabelle says, not very patient. Awkwaaaard. “I-” Jace starts. “Oh look at that, Jace who doesn’t know what to say. That I can pass through this once in my life”, Isabelle says rudely. “Seriously, Izzy what is your problem?”, Clary asks but she regrets it immediately. “You want to know what my problem is Clary? You two are my problem at the moment. Solve your issues yourself please. I am going through a shitty time too, you know that? Oh you do know that Jace. Better than anyone, but you start being dramatic and self-sacrificing and you are the older brother here. You should help me instead of the other way around” now Isabelle broke into sobs. Clary hurried over to her and hugged her. “hey shh it is okay”, she whispered. “no Clary, it’s not okay”, Izzy manages to say between sobs. “We are moving to Idris.”


Whoop Whoop. Hi. I'm sorry the chapters are all a bit short.. Hope you like the story, besides the short chapters. new chapter are coming, in a while crocodile. xoxo

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