11: I'll be there for you

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[A/N: sorry for interrupting but there was a need to remind you, it's three weeks since the Lightwoods left. So Clary and Jace and Izzy and everyone haven't spoken or seen each other for three weeks. enjoy reading ]

As soon as Jace heard a sob, he ran upstairs again because that sob was unmistakbly from Clary. Something was wrong, and he wanted to know what. He is Jace Herondale and he isn't going to sit down and wait like he is told. No silent runes, and no slowly opening the door this time, he just runs upstairs and barges in. Clary is sitting on the bed, and Izzy is looking very concentrated at something she's holding in your hand, not that Jace cares. He pulls op his girlfriend and hugs her really tight while he whispers in her ear; "damnit Clary, I missed you, don't avoid me now." She looks in his eyes and replies: "I'm not-" "Yes you are, and you're crying. What are you not telling me? And why are you crying up here while my gentle thumbs are waiting to brush your tears away? And my very nice lips are waiting to kiss you, my love and ready to tell you it's all okay." Clary just smiles at him, when another single tear escapes her eye. And like he said, Jace brushes it away with his thumb. "Nothing is wrong," Clary says. And as quiet as she can she adds; "yet." Jace might have heard that but he kisses her, Clary gets lost in his arms, forgetting about everything and- Izzy coughs loudly, and mumbles "this is my room, remember." everyone. Clary quickly pulls back and sits back down on Izzy's bed, pulling Jace with her. Clary and Izzy share a look, which Jace notices. "Tell me what's going on."

"It's nothing, really," is Clary's answer. And Izzy waves with something in her hand; "you sure it's nothing?" "Last time I checked there was nothing, Iz," Clary says when she walks over to Izzy, leaving Jace on the bed a bit lost. "Last time I checked," Izzy starts pointing at the thing in her hand, showing Clary. The red-haired gasps, and looks from Jace, to Isabelle, to the thing in Isabelle's hand, to Jace again. "I- I'm, I'm really, but how, this isn't, this isn't happening," Clary mutters to herself.

"What isn't happening?" Jace asked, but neither of the girls is paying attention to him.

"Iz, don't you have a rune for that or something?" Clary pleaded. "A rune? I thought you were the phenomenal Clary who created new special runes?" Izzy asks, receiving an angry look from Clary before she says: "I'm serious right now Isabelle Lightwood. Don't the shadowhunters have a fetus deletus rune or something? The rune for-"

"Ho, wait," Jace interupts. He stands up from his uncomfortable position on the bed and says; "in name of the angel what is going on here? Give me time to catch up please."
Both girls look up as if they only just remembered he was in the room too. "Jace sit down, Clary talk," Izzy says, giving the orders. The couple doesn't move and Izzy sighs; "come on it's not that hard, get over with it."
Jace sits back on the bed and reaches out his hand for Clary's. "What's the matter, my love?" Izzy already sees where this is going, and walks towards the door. "All right lovebirds, I want to keep my dinner down.. Whenever you need me, I'm downstairs. Don't make too much off a mess of my room." She wanted to say more but when she sees the stares Jace is giving her she quickly leaves.

Clary takes a deep breath but doesn’t take Jace’s hands. She turns away from him and says; “Jace, something happened.” “Yeah, I figured that,” he replies. Clary turns back at him. “No sarcastic comments right now, Jace. I am not in the mood.” Then she hands over the thing Izzy was holding, while saying; “Take a look at this.”

Jace doesn’t what he is holding, it’s some sort of stick with a screen on it. On the screen there is a happy smiley and besides it says ‘three weeks’. Jace looks up and asks; “What is this?” Deep down he suspects something but he doesn’t allow himself to think about it.

Clary crosses her arms over her chest and looks at him, then she says like it is obvious; “it’s a pregnancy test, Jace, a positive pregnancy test.” Jace just stares at Clary’s face, her beautiful face which isn’t showing any emotion, he is just speechless. Jace doesn’t know a good way to react. Clary seems annoyed when she continues; “pregnancy, when two people have sex and then a little creature starts to grow in the womb. That is the way children are born, did Valentine explain that to you, Jace?”

Jace spins Clary around, “that’s wonderful, you’ll be a great mother and of course I’ll be an amazing father. We’ll be fantastic parents, Clary!” Clary is stunned by his reaction, this was nothing like she expected. “Jace, I am seventeen! My mom will kill me! Well, after she killed you. Anyways, this is ridiculous!” Jace stops spinning and looks at his girlfriend. “After all we’ve been through Clary, age is just a number. Don’t you think we’ve showed that we can take a responsibility? Most shadowhunters die, shadowhunters marry young. Don’t you think we are shadowhunters? We are a whole lot better than some twice our age, we’ve been through a whole lot more. We can do this Clary. Have a little faith.”

He really wants this, Clary thinks to herself. He really thought about this before. To Jace she says; “I don’t know.” She hides her face in Jace’s chest, where she can hear his heart beating when he says; “your mom won’t kill me, I’m way too cute and she knows it.” Clary smiles in Jace chest. They stand like that for a while, Jace’s strong arms around his fragile Clary.

Clary wanders out of Izzy’s room, walking up the next stairs. Jace is getting her bags downstairs because she said she just wanted to go to sleep. When she reaches the top, she realized she walked towards Jace’s room. She quickly turns, but Jace is already coming up. Jace doesn’t say a thing about it. While Jace is getting her other bag, she quickly changes into her pajamas. There are two beds in Jace’s room, the one he slept in the last three weeks and the one Alec slept in their last trip to Idris. When Jace comes in she asks, “can I, ehh” pointing at Jace’s bed. He nods. Jace intends to leave the room, but then Clary whispers a question. “Stay with me?” Jace pulls of his shoes and lies down next to Clary, taking her in his arms.

And just before Clary falls asleep, he whispers in her ear. “Always.”

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