6: Some nights.

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When Jace opened the door of his room and walked in, Clary suddenly stopped. “What the hell happened here?”, she asked. The room was a mess. Like some bomb exploded in his wardrobe. Jace looked at the floor and said: “I eh tried to pack, but..” Clary looked at his face, he looked like someone catched him on stealing a cookie. Clary smiled, closed the door and pulled Jace towards here. He kissed her. “So, since this is your last night her,” Clary giggled against his lips. “We should make it worthwhile, don’t you think?”

Isabelle, Alec and Magnus were walking towards the elevators. Magnus and Alec were going home again, well Magnus’s home. The institute door bell rang. “Alec, can you take it? I want to discuss something with Magnus before you guys leave”, Izzy said with a smile that betrayed that she was hiding something. “Hmm yeah fine”, Alec murmured and he took the elevator and walked towards the huge institute entrance door. When he opened it, Alec first saw no one in front of the door. But just when he was about to close the door he heard a soft voice. “Isabelle?” Alec opened the door a bit further. He knew that voice. “No, this is Alec. Show yourself.” “Eh oh hello Alec. I am right here, and I can’t come any closer. That last stair tread is already institute property and..”, the voice said. “Yeah, who the hell are you?”, Alec asked. He was becoming a bit impatient. “Oh eh I am Simon”, the voice who was apparently simon said, he sounded a bit nervous. “Mm oh yeah right, Izzy’s boyfriend? Are you here to break up with here? Or did you two planned a date tonight? You better be careful with my little sis, vampire”, Alec replied. “Of course I am not going to break up with her? Why would you think that? I am only here because Iz called me today and she really sounded like something was wrong, I was worried.” “Or you wanted to have some fun this last night?”, Alec asked suspicious. “What do you mean with-“, Simon started. But a high pitch voice broke him off: “Alec who was it?” Simon’s heart made a little jump in his chest, that was Isabelle’s voice. “Simon”, Alec said with a sigh.

Isabelle froze, Simon? What was he doing here? “Eh hi Iz”, Simon’s voice said from somewhere outside. “Yeah, I didn’t know he was coming over Izzy?”, Alec said. Izzy sighed: “Oh Alec shut up you, bye magnus. See you guys tomorrow, I guess?” But Alec wasn’t done yet: “Yes tomorrow evening when you are-‘. “BYE ALEC”, Isabelle yelled at him. Not so gently Isabelle pushed Magnus and Alec outside. “Come in Simon.” “Eh Iz I can’t really come in”, Simon said. Isabelle sighed and walked outside. “Okay, come on.” Together they walked around the institure. “What are you doing here?”, Isabelle snapped at Simon. She wasn’t angry at him, just angry at life but Simon was her victim now. Together they sat down on a bench. “Jeez Isabelle, I can go home immediately if that’s what you want? I just came here because on the phone you sounded really upset and I was worried.” Simon spoke very fast. Slowly Izzy looked up at Simon, tears glinstering in the corners of her eyes. Suddenly she felt Simon’s arm around her, Izzy sobbed in his chest. She didn’t want to cry, she hated it but Simon was so sweet and she couldn’t help it. She was a shadowhunter, not a stupid mundane girl. But Simon didn’t seem to mind.

Silently Simon thanked Clary for all the times he had comforted her when she was crying. Simon knew how to handle crying girls. But what in the world could be so bad to make even Isabelle cry? For a second this thought come up, what if she’s pregnant? He thought that since was a vampire ehh, but who knows? “Iz, tell me what’s going on”, he whispered in her ear. “I-”, Izzy started, took a deep breath and finished in a whisper: “we are moving Idris.” “You what?” He looked Isabelle in the eyes, she wasn’t crying anymore. “You what?”, Simon repeated. “You heard me Si, I have to go to Idris with my parents and Jace.” Simon looked a bit shocked and for the second time that day, he just sat there and listened to Isabelle’s story. How she has now choice, how her father is becoming inquisitor. When Izzy is finished she looks up again. Simon can’t think clearly. This has to be some kind of sick joke. “Simon, did you hear me?” Oh yes Simon did, he leaned in and kissed Isabelle on her lips. “Are you leaving me?” he asks. Isabelle wraps her arms around Simon and whispers: “Simon please, I have no choice. You’re gonna be fine.” But Simon doesn’t want to hear it. “Okay, so tell me when are you leaving?” Isabelle sighed: “Tomorrow evening.” Whoa. What the hell? Everything that Alec had said suddenly made sense. “And how long do you know this?”, Simon asks. “A week”, Isabelle murmurs in his chest, not wanting to look up. “Seriously Iz? And you wanted to tell me tomorrow?”, Simon asks annoyed. “I’m sorry okay, Jace wanted to tell Clary first.” “Clary? And when did he tell her?” “Like an hour ago Si. Please you are not the only one to pity here. Stop acting like you are. Still meet tomorrow?” “Yeah, of course.” “Okay, goodnight”, Izzy says and with a quick kiss she leaves inside. Simon is left behind on the bench. He had no idea what to think about this. Simon sits back and closes his eyes, he only now realizes how tired he is.

It somehow irritated Isabelle that Simon always first seems to think of Clary. As soon as she told him, he asked if Clary was doing okay. Isabelle knew that she had no right of being jealous, Simon was with her now and he was over Clary. They had just been friends their entire lives. Surprisingly, Jace was the one who told her this every time. Clary changed Jace, in a way Clary might not completely see. But Jace never cared for someone else. He always had been a bit concerned for Alec and Izzy, but this was different. Clary opened Jace up. Like Clary had been the key to his feelings or something. Yeah that sounded a bit weird, it was like that though. Maybe Max’s dead changed Jace too, and his father’s- Valentine’s she corrected herself- death too. Jace really became the big brother she could talk to, he wasn’t as protective as Alec and that was good. Isabelle knew Jace considered staying in New York. But he wouldn’t let Isabelle go alone to Idris. Isabelle opened the door off her room, she didn’t even change and let herself fall on her bed. She didn’t cry. She didn’t scream. She just felt empty, as if the leaving suddenly became terrifying real.

Clary lies awake, in Jace’s arms. Jace was asleep; he was really cute and made those very quiet snoring noises. She kissed the top of his nose, Clary wishes she could freeze the moment and live it forever. Just in this bed with Jace, that was pretty much all she wanted. There was no need to move, just lie in each other’s arms. Little bit disappointing that her lover boy fell asleep. Clary herself was wide awake. Why has she ever wanted to wait with this? Clary let out a giggle. Is this what everyone calls the best night of their lives? Clary sighed happily, but then remembered what awaited her in the morning. She snuggled closer to Jace’s chest, no need to ruin her mood now. Slowly she fell asleep, thinking happy thoughts. Enjoying this moment, worries will come tomorrow.

Author's note: Hi folks,

Yeah here it was, a new chapter. I wanted to write on, so why not? Sorry, if it's a bit short.. Hope you liked it anyway.

Not sure if anyone has noticed, but yes I am using songs for the chapter titles.

comment, vote, share, read. Thank you. xoxo

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