1: Summer Is Over

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~Heyyy! Welcome to BOOK 5, ladies and gents. Things are always crazy for Kenzie Gilbert. Let's see how much her and Stefan go through in their first year of college. And be prepared because, COERCIVE? She's about to take control love bugs! But will it backfire?!!!!! 🔥💥

Chapter One

I giggled against Stefan's mouth, breaking our kiss. "Stop laughing," Stefan chuckled this time, pressing his lips to mine again. I grinned as we continued to make out. His hands roaming up my torso slowly. And it tickled. So I giggled again. "Okay. I'm done. And we need to go," he sighed.

"Mm-mm. No. I'm sorry. But I have butterflies in my stomach and when you do that it gives me weird ticklish chills," I rambled as he climbed off of me, slipping out of bed.

"Doesn't matter. We have plans with our friends."

"Stefan," I whined, grabbing his wrist. He paused in his tracks, raising a brow. I licked my lips as my eyes devoured his gorgeous body. He sported only black boxer briefs and a growing smirk on his pink lips. "Come on, round two. We can be late."

"We ARE late. And I can't have sex with you giggling every five seconds."

"Let's be later," I told him. "And I'm giggling because I'm happy."

"Well, be happy, and let's take a shower. Quickly. Because we have to go."

"You owe me sex," I complained, slipping out of bed. "And I want it the moment we get back home from this stupid lunch date with our friends...Whom we see nearly every damn day."

"Watch the sass," he scolded playfully. I walked over to him and reached up, wrapping my hands around his neck. "Yes, babe?"

"I love you, Stefan."

"I love you too, Kenzie Nicole. To the moon and back."


"Okay, so we decided on a name," Elena said, grinning and grabbing Matt's hand over the table. The three of us--Me, Stefan, and Caroline stared at the happy couple. "Maverick Gray Gilbert," she said.

"Maverick?" Caroline and I both questioned. Hers of confustion and seemingly dislike. While mine was shocked and excited.

"I was worried you two would pick something SO boring," I gasped. "Maverick sounds so unique and cute."

"It's unique, but I thought you guys were thinking about Preston," Caroline frowned.

"We were, Care. And thank you, for the suggestion. But we decided to go with something more edgy like Kenzie's been suggesting. Preston was a bit too preppy for me," Matt said.

"Well, Maverick is a nice name. I'm happy for you two. Baby's due in what, a week or so now?" Stefan questioned.

"This weekend," Elena said. "I can't wait. He's killing me. And I'm huge."

"You're not," Matt told her, shaking his head.

"Are we this sappy and boring?" I asked Stefan, pouting and furrowing my brows.

"Never a boring day with you," Stefan smiled. He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine for a short kiss.

"But yes, just as sappy," Caroline's voice interrupted our moment.


"Hey Bonnie, how is the summer almost over, and yet I feel like I got nothing done? Sounds like you're having fun traveling with your mom. I still don't know how I'm supposed to do this whole college thing, but glad I don't have to do it without you. Caroline on the otherhand, she spent the whole summer designing the color palette for our dorm room while Tyler's been away helping some wolf pack in Tennessee. Damon and Rebekah have been sending postcards. I think that they're in Amsterdam now, or was it Prague? I can't keep track. Anyway, I can't wait to see you. When do you get back? Love, Kenzie," I texted Bonnie. We were home from our brunch with our friend and it was getting late. Stefan was now cooking dinner.

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