14: Rescue Me

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Chapter Fourteen

I opened my eyes and winced at the bright lights. I looked around me, noticing an empty blood bag on an IV and a stair case across the room. I was still strapped to this damn gurney. My vision grew hazy as I stared at the stairs, wishing I could get up and run out of here.

My eyes began to drool close until I heard light laughter like kids playing. I squinted at the stairs and spotted a ball bounce all the way down. "Subject 83182 appears conscious," a familiar voice said.

The ball vanished and the kids giggling stopped and then I looked to my right to see Wes sitting next to me, observing me as I was on display by medical lamps all around. "Where am I?" I croaked out, throat sore and my mind still in a fog after I just made up some vision of kids and a ball as if that was relevant to helping me. I'm an idiot.

"Why? Look familiar?" He smirked a bit.

I looked around him, spotting a dialysis machine and I started freaking out. He was going to check my vitals, steal my blood, practice organs growing back. I had to get out of here. "What are you doing to me?" I cried as I struggled to get loose to no avail.

"83182 resume prep for blood dialysis," Wes said into a recorder before standing up.


"Count back from 10. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5..." he counted slowly after he placed a mask over my nose and mouth. By the time he said 4 everything went black.


I stared silently at Wes, feeling so utterly weak more than I have ever in my entire life. Wes was examining an almost full blood bag that was attached to an IV.
The same one I saw before. I guess that's why I was weak, he as taking all my blood. "4.1 pints drained," Wes said, moving a flashlight to my eyes. I snapped them close then.  "83182 still shows signs of consciousness. Note that 15 years ago subject 12144 faded into unconsciousness after losing 2.9 pints. Evolution or luck? Mystery for another day."

"What are you doing to me? What are these tubes? Let me go!" I shouted, annoyed with his recording and the  tight cuffs holding me to this uncomfortable bed.

Wes stepped away from and slid open the curtain behind him, walking to a table and sitting down to write in a notebook. " Relax. I plan to once I'm through with you," he told me and I almost felt relieved. So he'd let me go alive?

"My friends are gonna find me," I told him stubbornly.

"Your heroic vampire friends?" Wes smirked, standing again and walking over to the machine nearby and pressing random buttons. "Did you know Aaron Whitmore spent his entire life thinking his family was haunted by some death curse? Turns out that curse was your friend systematically killing every member on his family tree. I'm curious. How does one justify that in their mind?"

"And this, holding people against their will, torturing them? How do you justify that?" I spat.

"Science," Wes shrugged. He walked back to the table and picked up a journal, and began reading it. "June 25th,1999. Incredible findings today. After enduring three thousand volts of electricity, the subject continues to have a heartbeat. June 26th. More success. Subject was exposed to four thousand volts today. Seizing continues after electrocution. Flesh remains hot to the touch."

"You're a monster," I mumbled, scared for myself.

"This isn't my journal, Kenzie," he replied, closing the book and showing my the front of it briefly as if that told me anything. "These are the handwritten medical findings of Dr. Grayson Gilbert, your father."

"What?" I gasped. He showed me a random page and I gulped at my dad's obvious and familiar messy doctor like handwriting.

"Everything I'm doing to you I learned from him."

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