15: Katherine's Deathbed

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Chapter Fifteen

"I figured you two would be my volunteers," Nadia smirked slightly.

"Congratulations on your intuition. We're here. We volunteered. Now, tell us where Matt is," I demanded, glaring at her back. We had all just got out of her car and she was leading us up some path. We were in the middle of nowhere. There was a rustic, falling apart house up ahead on this hill.

"Matt will be freed once you help me get what I need."

"Which is what, exactly?" Stefan chimed in.

"I need a traveler. Katherine was born into a traveler bloodline. She can make herself a passenger in someone elses body, if a traveler teaches her how to do it," Nadia informed us.

"Like your boyfriend, Gregor, hopped a ride inside Matt's body, until Katherine killed him, of course. Your mother killed your boyfriend! Why are we saving her again?"

"Gregor was going to kill her and she was defending herself," Stefan pointed out.

"You," I growled, turning to look at him on my right. I poked a finger roughly into his chest. "Don't you dare defend her."

"Why are you getting all jealous over Katherine?" He frowned and I looked away from him.

I opened my mouth to speak a second later until I realized we were outside the house. So I kept quiet about my insecurities. The obviously abandoned building looked scarily dark inside and it's boarded up windows did not seem welcoming either. "We're here," Nadia stated.

"So we're just supposed to help you let Katherine take over someone's life?" I frowned.

"Not just anyone's life... mine. I'm going to make her a passenger in my body," Nadia told us before walking up the steps to the front porch. My eyes met Stefan's, the both of us entirely confused now.

Stefan reaches for my hand and I placed mine in his as we walked inside the house. The main room was dark and there wasn't a piece of furniture in sight. I squeezed Stefan's hand, feeling weary of the situation, more than before. "Not exactly the Ritz," Stefan commented and I chuckled.

"Travelers don't have much, They're always on the move, but on the plus side, sometimes, their services can be bought. I found one who named the right price," Nadia replied.

Just then a figure I couldn't make out in the dark appeared behind Nadia. "You brought them," a raspy feminine voice said, a shorty, dirty looking woman coming up beside the three of us.

"Yes, Mia. Are you ready to make a deal?" Nadia asked the other lady.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"I have a feeling the right price for the deal was us," my fiancé said, dropping my hand and wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me against him.

"I'm sorry, but they asked for doppelgängers. No idea why," Nadia said. She moved behind Mia, grabbing hold of her shoulders and then at super speed the two of them vanished. The front door shutting behind them with a loud slam.

Stefan let go of me and headed to the front door. My eyes caught a glimpse of something moving in the dark. We weren't alone. "Stefan," I called wearily as more figured came out into the open. There was more than a dozen of people. My fiancé froze in place and turned to look me, eyes widening as he got a glimpse of the people surrounding us. "Stefan," I repeated as they all began chanting in a language I didn't recognize.

"Hold on," he said, reaching for the doorknob. "Ow!"

I looked over at him to see him staring at his hand. I walked to him, grabbing it. "What's wrong?" I asked him, kissing his knuckles and looking at him in confusion.

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