22: Dear Stefan

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I sniffled, wiping my eyes again. The tears wouldn't stop. The pain in my chest wouldn't dull. And I felt cold all over. Stefan was dead. He was laying right in front of me on the couch. I was crouched on the floor, crying as quietly as I couldn't Caroline was pacing somewhere behind me. And Bonnie was elsewhere nearby.

"Oh, my God. Stefan!" Elena gasped, rushing into the room with Damon behind her. She looked him over before sitting on the floor next to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

I sobbed loudly then, "We didn't know where to bring him, and we just couldn't leave him outside."

"Bonnie has a plan, right?" Elena asked, looking between me, Damon, and Caroline.

"She said that she could bring people back," Caroline sighed from across the room. "But..."

"Tell me that she can bring him back," I cried softly, taking Stefan's hand in mine.

Damon finally spoke up, "We'll bring him back. Come on. Let's get away from prying eyes." He walked around and pulled me to my feet. His arms held me tight for only a few seconds before he kissed the top of my head and let me go. "Elena, Caroline, help me." Then they picked his body up while I continued to hug myself, struggling not to fall to the ground kicking and screaming with more tears.


"No. I want you to drive, just at a speed more fitting for two people who just tried to commit murder," I could hear Liv say as I was approaching.

"They are not following us. Markos stripped the town of spirit magic. There's no way they survived it," Luke said right as they came uphill to find me standing in the middle of the road.

"Something tells me they did," Liv murmured, her eyes locking with my murderous ones. I smirked as their vehicle screeches to a halt inches away from hitting me.

"And I bet if I turn around..." Luke trailed off, looking behind him where Caroline stood.

"Using our own tricks against us. Jerks," Liv grumbled, getting out the car to meet me halfway.

"A little tip. If you're gonna flee the scene of the crime, take back roads," I advised.

"Do you really want to do this, again?" Liv asked.

"You mean the part where you try to kill a doppelgänger? There's no point. Stefan's already dead," I stated and her brows raised. She looked between Caroline and I in confusion then.

"I know you don't believe me, but I am sorry," Liv said, looking back at me.

"Good because you're gonna help bring him back," I told her, smiling wickedly. She didn't have a choice.

"Look. I get what you need from us, but if both doppelgängers are alive again, the Travelers can restart their spell. Witch magic goes bye-bye, and all you vamps, you're goners," Liv said.

"They're not gonna have a chance to start again because in order to bring Stefan back, we're gonna have to kill them, a lot of them, including Markos."

"We can't help you. Even if we wanted to, our coven would kill us," Luke chimes in.

Caroline scoffed, "Stefan saved your life."

"I know he did, but—"

"We can't risk it," Liv finished for him. I smirked, flashing behind Luke before they could blink. And with ease and pleasure I snapped his neck. "No!"

"Your brother's officially on the Other Side. Think you can risk it now, bitch?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Without my man to keep me in line. I'm a fucking nightmare. 'Kay?"

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