8: Until Sundown

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Chapter Eight

"Ding-dong, the witch is dead," Damon smirked, opening the door for me and Bonnie. "Are you ladies as happy as I am? Because I'm ready to celebrate, can I offer you guys a drink?"

Bon and I laughed at him, pushing him out the way. "Where's the body?" I asked, coming into the house. "Did you burn it yet, you know, for good measure?"

"She died like two minutes ago. Let me have my drink first," he snorted.

"I'm pretty ecstatic," I admitted, grinning. "Bitch deserved to die. Pour me a drink."

"Alright. Hey, Stef didn't want come down earlier. You should check on him, he was all pouty when I told him Silas was killing her," he laughed and I rolled my eyes. I excused myself and went to check on my fiancé. I entered the bedroom slowly, knocking as I opened the door.

"Hey, hands--Oh, your shirt is gone," I cringed. Stefan nodded, sitting up on the bed. "You okay? Did she hurt you?"

"No... I told her I left you, she was all nice and petting me like a dog. Ugh, then I was like can I kiss you? And she got all nervous like I was joking. So I kissed her and then she pulled away, asking if I was sure. I asked if I could bite her and she nodded so I did. I bit into her and she climbed in my lap, ripping my shirt in half before making me kiss her again. She was all like can I bite you? And I said yeah. It was pretty simple. Then she passed out and fell onto the floor. Damon barged in, dragging her out. Asked if I was alright and I told him to call you to come over... I don't feel good," he said.

"What's wrong? You hungry?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, my..m-my head hurts," he said and I furrowed my brows.

"I'm sorry you had to kiss her. And I'm sorry your head hurts. Maybe you're still tired. Why don't you take a nap?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm sorry I kissed her too."

"It's okay," I assured, cupping his chin and pecking his lips. "I still love you," I teased. He cracked a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist. I climbed onto his lap, straddling his hips. "Mm. Stefan, you're never going to get any rest."

"I don't want rest, I want you."

"Then get me out of these clothes," I replied, biting his bottom lip. "I want you too."


"Don't tease. Of course, I'm sure," I said, rocking my hips against his. He dipped his head down, gluing his lips to my neck so I tilted my head giving him more access. My hands, running down his rock hard chest. He moved us around so I laid on my back. His hands fiddled with my bottoms, groaning as he asked how to get me out of my blue and white romper. "Don't rip it," I warned.

I pulled my arms threw and pushed it down my body to my stomach. Stefan pulled it the rest of the way down my legs, smiling softly at me. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, leaning to trail kisses down my torso. I bit my lip as I grinned widely, running my hands through his hair as he lowered down, his teeth biting my lace panties and tugging them. I gasped quietly, covering my burning face. Stefan moved back up my body, moving my hand from my face. "Why are you blushing?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know, you give me butterflies," I mumbled and he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and brought our grinning mouths together for a messy kiss.


"Join me in the shower," Stefan smirked, tugging on my hand. "Please, baby?"

"Stefan, no," I laughed. "No more sex. Everyone can hear us. And once was enough."

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