16: Hallucinations Or Reality?

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Chapter Sixteen

"I'm hungry, Stefan. Bring me a pizza," I texted him. Then I got impatient and sent him another only five minutes later. "Please daddy." And another: "I'm so friggin hungry right now. Why are you starving me? I want a large Hawaiian pizza and a medium sausage and pepperoni pizza, sour cream and onion chips, two tubs of Haagen Dazs any flavor, two cans of monster, and a double chocolate muffin. Please and thank you."

I waited ten minutes. No response. Which made me even angrier. Where was he? Was he okay? What did Caroline get him into? How the hell were they going to save me?

I sighed and tossed my phone onto my nightstand. I frowned as I spotted a small notebook. It was one of my journals. One bought for me that I've never written in. Why was that out? I gave up writing. I grabbed the diary and opened it to peak at who had used it.

"Dear Diary, I love my life. Seriously, becoming Kenzie Gilbert is the best thing that has ever happened to me," the first page read.

"Oh my god!" I gasped, flipping through randomly to see what else Katherine was jotting down. I stopped until something looked interesting though. "Spent the day on the road with Stefan, although the highlight was our little pit stop at the hotel. I had to wash up after "accidentally" getting grease on my shirt..."

I gulped at the passage and looked away. Stefan lied to me? They went to an hotel together? She was removing her shirt? I coughed lightly as my vision started to blur.

"Oh well. I didn't like this shirt anyway," Katherine giggled. Katherine who was pretending to be me. She quickly pulled it over her head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not what we came her for, Kenzie Nicole," Stefan teased coming up behind me and grabbing hold of my hips.

"My shirt is dirty so I took it off. What's the big deal? It's nothing you haven't seen before."

"The big deal is I can't resist your naked body. Was this all a ploy to get us in a bedroom?"

"Maybe," Katherine smirked. Stefan spun her/me around and kissed her quickly while sliding his hands up her back to undo her bra. Katherine rushed the two horny bodies across the room, to the wall closest to the bed. Stefan accidentally knocking over a lamp in the process of undoing her pants. She ripped his shirt right down the middle while he kissed her neck.

"Stefan, Stefan!" I cried out, pushing him away from me/her, "It's not me. It's Katherine. Stefan! She's seducing you, stop!"

"What are you doing?" Stefan panted.

"This isn't me Stefan? Can't you tell? After everything we've been through. If I wanted sex I would just ask," I told him, bumping shoulders with him roughly before grabbing my shirt to put it on. I rushed to leave the small hotel room but when I opened the door, it all disappears.

I gasped and closed my eyes, trying to calm down and wrap my head around my very vivid hallucination. Why was I having these damn visions? As if I wasn't angry and hurt enough that no one knew she was controlling my body. I opened my eyes after I calmed down. I quickly shut the diary but not fast enough to avoid seeing blood droplets now all over the page.

I felt my face for blood, feeling the wetness at my nose. I got out of bed and walked to the bedroom mirror to see blood dripping from my nose. "What the hell is happening to me?" I whispered to myself.

I snatched my phone back up, dialing Stefan. No answer. No surprise. So I called Damon next who I had to break the news to about how my poison was worse than his. "What do you mean werewolf venom?" He growled out angrily.

"I mean, I'm deteriorating slowly. I seem to be hallucinating all of my worst fears. And Stefan can't be reached so... well, it's been fun," I told him, ending on a sarcastic note.

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