21: Runaway Team

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Chapter Twenty-One

I winced at the bright light coming into the room as the door opened to the room I was being held captive. I could just make out the man, entering with another glass of water. Ugh. My arms were pinned up to either side of my head with my wrist bleeding out. All I could think of was the self-inflicted pain I would cause myself when I was 16 and 17. Before being a vampire made it all so impossible and pointless to cause not only did it barely hurt, but I healed instantly. Not that it was how I should've ever been dealing my problems or emotions. And right now, felt like one of those times where I regretted hurting myself.

I stared at the blurry outline of Markos as he pressed the glass of water to my lips. I took a small sip but it didn't sit well. Immediately a cough left my lips before he could back away and drops of blood covered his face. Ew.

"Y-you have...e-enough b-bl-blood," I stuttered our, feeling more lightheaded then when I had to run in gym class before I had lunch. Ugh. I was so hungry. I would kill for the tacos my fiancé made me. And by kill I mean literally murder these fucking assholes who deprived me of those tacos when they kidnapped me and continued to starve me. "Let me go," I spat out, finding enough strength with the anger rising in me. "Ahhh!" I screamed as Mario skits my wrist down the middle of my arm. "Ow!"

"I'll have enough when you can no longer speak," Markos retorted before walking away.

I whimpered, feeling utterly hopeless. But I had no tears in me. Just whines for freedom and for my lover. "Stefan," I cried softly. "Oh, Stefan."

I didn't know how, but as usual when I was in the worst scenario possible, all I wanted was for my baby to save me. And for the most part he did. Nothing beat his arms at the end of a hard day. But this time, I was more scared than ever. I didn't know where he was. And it tore me apart, wondering if his fate was the same as mine: chained to a wall with buckets underneath to catch the never ending flow of blood.


I squirmed in fear as the door opened again. No. It's been less than an hour I'm sure. Why was he back? I was barely conscious. My wrists were still bleeding just fine.

Marcos didn't speak as he slowly made his way to me, the door cracked open behind him with the stupid bright daylight blinding me and casting nothing but his shadow. "Kenz?" A raspy weak voice came and my whole body sighed in relief.

"Stefan," I smiled weakly. His face becoming clear as he was right in front of me now as he crouched down to where I sat on the cold floor.

"Shhh... we're getting out of here," he said. I nodded and watched him struggle slightly to unchain me. I fell forward but his strong arms caught me. "I got you, babe."

"Always," I whispered, pulling myself to my feet. He kept an arm around me as we headed to the door. I knew my man would find a way to save me.


I stuck my tongue out as I tried to focus my shot. I had a makeshift slingshot. Rocks and rubber bands. And I completely sucked at this. I couldn't kill a huge deer if it was standing ten feet away. And Stefan wants me to hunt small animals. Not only am I the first vampire who might need glasses cause I can't see a damn bunny in sight. But I've missed my practice target that I could see ten times now. And my weak arms were tired from me holding them up.

Stefan on the other hand was using a payphone to call home. We were outside some deserted conscience store in the middle of nowhere. But we had escaped the travelers hidden camp. Now the best part of being lost was hearing Damon's voice even as he was being himself, an annoying sarcastic, smart ass.

"Seriously? Collect calls are still a thing?" Damon scoffed and I rolled my eyes. I dropped my rock and cursed, setting another back up in my slingshot.

Kenzie Gilbert: The Coercive Twin (5)Where stories live. Discover now