9: Remembering

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~Before this chapter, I just wanna talk to you guys for a moment about the progress and future for this book. I know there's a twist to this series, that's what happens when you create a new character and change what you want the outcomes at the end of each story to be.

I'm not apologizing for keeping Jeremy dead and Bonnie alive. Or for Stefan not drowning all summer long. Nor about Kenzie not being with Damon. I've known all along I've wanted Kenzie and Stefan to end up together. So if I have to make more changes in the book than before for the beginning of this season and the end of the last, then I will to keep together my end plans for Kenzie's story.

I just wanted to let you guys know. I'm going to continue this series until the very end. And I do follow the plot as best I can. And after this chapter things will be more back on track. Also a heads up, lots of drama and craziness at the end of this chapter 😉

I'm done rambling, read on love bugs 😘

Chapter Nine

"Look at all the incredible things they've dreamt up to do with food. Pineapple on pizza?" Tessa laughed, nudging Stefan. Not that she had to, because they were sitting so close already. Thighs pressed against each other's, probably only a ruler between there heads. They were both pretending like I wasn't here. Stefan wouldn't so much as look at me, and I can't stop glaring at the side of his handsome face with that chiseled jaw. I could just slap him. "So sad. Let me guess. Gluten free?" Tessa asked, looking over at me like I was a kicked puppy.

"Sad is you thinking you have a chance with my fiancé," I forced a fake smile. "Not gluten free. I could totally go for a pizza of my own. Then you know, wash it down with every drop of blood in your body."

"Aw. How cute, cause I am going to drag out your death--"

"Cut it out," Stefan interrupted. Tessa scoffed and glared at me while I smirked while I waved teasingly. "Both of you," the fiancé added, giving me a stern look. I bit my lip, trying not to smile but I saw his lips twitch and he winked before turning back to the witch.

"You're so cute when you're mad," Tessa teased him, patting him on the cheek.

"How did you get here?" I asked in disbelief.

"Excuse me?"

"Here, alive, from the other side. How did you come back to life?"

"Oh, yeah. That. You can blame your friend Bonnie for that. She opened the door and then distracted herself when she tried to bring your little brother back to life, so I just walked right through and well, luckily before she failed and put back up the threshold."

"What?" I asked. "B-Bonnie tried to bring--"

"Your brother back? Yeah, she failed. Wasn't strong enough. Lucky for her, she passed out. I think if she tried harder or even succeeded she'd be the dead one," Tessa shrugged.

I let out a shaky breath, hugging myself. I was glad Bonnie was here. I didn't want to lose her, or anyone else. I do want my little brother, my best friend back though. Apparently that's not going to happen. "Well, today, Silas was gonna bring her back to life after he got The Anchor, but you told Damon, someone who has never put anyone's life before mine, including his own, to kill Silas before he could do that. So, now I'm royally pissed. Extremely livid I should say. And guess what? All if that is directed at you for trying to ruin my life. I've had enough fucked up shit to last a lifetime, enough tears leave my body, and enough pain inflicted on me physically and mentally. I'll be damned if I let you or anyone beat me at anything ever again. The truth is I'll destroy you Tessa, and knowing that makes me happy. So no, I'm not sad. And if I was, it wouldn't be over a damn pizza," I told her.

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