13: Augustine Experiments

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Chapter Thirteen

I stopped by Damon's room, knocking on the closed door. I had, well I am skipping my classes today. After breakfast at Matt and Elena's, I came to the boarding house for a shower and some of my clothes to change into. But I've been here for over an hour and the blue eyed devil hasn't popped up yet which was unlike him.

"Damon?" I called from the other side of the door and like my knock, I got no response. I hesitantly and slowly opened up the door. Bed made, no sign of him as I walked around. No shower or bath water running. He wasn't in the ensuite at all, I checked. He wasn't here. I frowned in confusion. It's only 11AM. Where would he be off to?

I shrugged it off, pulling out my phone to text him quickly. "Hey, at your house, just noticed you weren't home. So call me. Tell me what happened with Wes last night," I sent him before calling Stefan.

"And she's alive," Stefan answered. I could practically hear the cute and playful smile on his lips. My mouth tugged upwards in delight. "The school year just started and you're already missing classes. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Ha-ha. Hi, handsome."

"Morning, babe. Where are you? On the way back to campus yet?" He asked.

"Leaving the boarding house. I came to shower and get clothes. But hey, have you heard from Damon. He's not home. And last person he was with was Wes. Please tell me you've talked to him."

"What? No, I haven't. I'll try calling him. I'm sure he's day drinking at the bar. Don't worry. Just get your cute ass back to school. It's no fun without you."

"I thought you were upset with me," I mumbled. I didn't want to fight. But I was confused on why he was being so sweet and kind like nothing bad happened last night.

"Oh, I still am. But I miss and love you more."

"So we still have to talk about it?"


"Okay," I grumbled. "I'm headed to you now."


I walked into Stefan's dorm and sat right down on the bed, kicking off my shoes. I was going to be here for awhile. We had to talk things over. I just didn't want to fight with him. So my plan was to be on my best behavior and kiss away any of his frustration.

"So, you want to tell me what really happened last night with you and Caroline?" He asked, sitting down at the chair behind his little desk instead of on the bed, next to me.

"I was leaving. She stopped me. I said I had to go because Matt needed vampire help. She didn't want me to leave and asked about Damon, like if he could help Matt instead. I said that he was on the way to the school and she flipped out. Completely over reacted and threw a typical Caroline-esque tantrum. And I was irritated and told her to grow up. That's when it took a turn cause she was being a bitch and—"

"Kenzie," he sighed in exasperation.

"She was!"

"Go ahead. Continue."

"What for? Didn't she already tell you?" I scoffed.

"I didn't really give her a chance to talk. I was annoyed myself. All she told me was you called her a slut and when she called you one back you punched her and then y'all were fighting."

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