12: Dorm Party

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Chapter Twelve

I groaned as Stefan continued to shake me awake. I wasn't budging though. He wanted us to go back to campus and get on with our lives. Sure, sounds all fine, but that means leaving Jeremy. He goes back to school today and I need to be here for him. It's hard adjusting after being dead and after the whole town thought you died but now record has you as fakes your own death.

"Kenzie, come on. I know you're awake," Stefan complained, finally stopping with the shaking.

"Leave me alone. I'm still tired."

"We have to get to school."

"I'm not going," I mumbled into my pillow.

"And why not?"

"Because you're getting on my nerves! Can't a woman get some sleep around here? Wake me before noon again and see what happens," I snapped, rolling over to send him a glare.

"You're so cute when you pretend to be mad. And it's 11:30 now. So you already got to sleep in, spoiled brat. Now get up it's a long drive to campus," he said.

"Wait? What time is it?" I frowned. "Where's Jeremy at? Is he at school already. Oh, I hope he's okay."

"Kenz, he's fine. Damon will take care of him. Even Bonnie is off on campus. So let's go."

"But Stefan—"

"No buts. Get out of bed. Now."

I scowled as I climbed out of bed. Stefan was so annoying. But he was also sexy when he was stern. I was conflicted. To give him the silent treatment or jump him. "Daddy, I want to stay home," I pouted.

"Don't start," Stefan groaned, catching my hand as I ran my finger down his bare chest. I don't want him to ever put a shirt on. Goddamn. I wanted to eat off him. All the time.

"Fine. I'm not talking to you then," I said, snatching my hand away and turning to walk to our ensuite for a nice hot shower.

"You want to get food before we go?" He asked, rolling me into the bathroom. I narrowed my eyes on him. I can't believe he wanted to tease me with food. I'm not talking to him. I refuse.

I shook my head no.

"You're not hungry?"

Again, I shook my head.

"You're a liar. Shower and I'll make breakfast now. And when you get out that shower you better be talking to me again," he said and my lips tugged up.

"Yes, daddy," I smirked. Quicker than ever his hand was smacking my bottom hard. "Ow! Stefan!"

"Don't tease. Get in that shower," he chuckled.

"Kiss first," I said, moving to him and throwing my arms around his shoulders.

"I'm not going to get anything done today," he said, slipping his hands up the large t-shirt I was wearing that actually belonged to him. "You have me wrapped around your finger, you know that, don't you?"

"Sometimes I do," I shrugged.

"Let's shower together," he said.

"Please," I smiled, pressing my lips to his hungrily. I was going to get some good loving today. Shower sex early in the morning? Yes please.


"Sit down," Caroline told Stefan and Bonnie. She placed her hands on my fiancé's shoulders and gave him a push down towards her bed. My eyes narrowed and my jaw clenched as I tried to control my jealous. These magnified feelings are still an issue of mine. So was her friendship with Stefan.

Kenzie Gilbert: The Coercive Twin (5)Where stories live. Discover now