18: Dream Sequence

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Chapter Eighteen

"It's seven in the morning, what do you want?" I growled into the phone.

"Oh, not a morning person I take it?" Enzo chuckled through the line. Stefan shuffled against me in bed, reminding me to keep my voice down.

"Me and my lover are in bed, trying to sleep in. What do you want? Don't make me ask again," I warned, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"The travelers know Stefan escaped. The spell didn't work last night. Halfway through they stopped. However they wasted nearly half of their little doppelgänger blood mixture. They know about Elena so I did you a tiny little favor, doll. No need to thank me though. I'm just getting your twin out of town—"

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, I figured you had about three options. One: cloaking spell on Elena who the travelers want dead and get her out of town. You'll need a witch to start that spell. So I'd hurry. However, I'm sure the thousand man army of magical beings could break that sort of spell and since they're always on the move they'd find her in a jiffy. That leaves option number two: let the travelers have their way and find a temporary death loophole for either you or Elena here. Or option number three in favor of the witches: either you and Elena die or Stefan dies and the travelers can't do any spell ever," he said.

"What's going on?" Stefan asked, as I climbed out of bed angrily. "Kenzie? Who's on the phone? What's wrong? Hey, babe, talk to me."

"Morning, Stefan," Enzo said cheerfully through the line. My fiancé's eyes widened and he climbed out of bed stopping me as I was pulling on a pair of jeans.

"Is she okay?" I asked Enzo.

"Perfectly fine. Here. Talk to her," Enzo replied.

"Kenzie," Elena's voice came through next.

"Are you okay? Did her hurt you? I'll kill him if he did. Where are you guys?"

"I'm fine. He didn't hurt me. We talked. He insisted... we're out of town. Seriously I need a road trip. He's not the worst company. Questionable taste in music but he's been kind since he abducted me in the middle of the night," she laughed.

"Put Enzo back on the phone."

"Option one seems like an okay plan, right?" Enzo asked me, I could imagine the smirk on his face which made me furious.

"As you said it won't work. We can't hide her forever!" I snapped. "I'll get a cloaking spell."

"Mhm. Then come up with a real plan. Oh, tip, when you convince a witch to do the cloaking spell don't mention that you plan to go with option number two. They'll skip to the death penalty option, no favors to the travelers and no remorse for the rest of us that'll be at their disposal. Bye now."

"Ugh!" I groaned as he hung up.

"Enzo has Elena?" Stefan asked me and I nodded.

"I have to call Bonnie to call Liv. Now."


"I'm going to kick his ass," Damon growled, slamming down a crystal glass onto the table. We had just filled him in. Bonnie was working on getting someone to do the cloaking spell ASAP. Enzo and Elena's phones are currently going to voicemail.

"He's not going to hurt her," I said.

"You don't know that," Jeremy retorted. I sighed. We were having a supernatural meeting at the boarding house. Me, Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Jeremy, and Tyler. Matt was at home with his son and Bonnie was with Liv somewhere.

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