2: Whitmore Party

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Chapter Two

"Stefan, leave me the fuck alone," I grumbled. He chuckled, his breath blowing against my neck. He placed a kiss on the back of my neck then another on my bare back. Another lower than before. "I'm tired, stop teasing."

"Then wake up. I told you not to complain in the morning, babe."

"I'm a liar, get over it," I snapped.

"Kenz, it's 10am. We have to get up. We're moving in our dorms today--"

"I don't want to go anymore."

"How about we dropout?" I asked, flipping onto my back. Stefan hovered over me, smiling brightly.

"We haven't even started," he reminded me, then he pecked me on the lips.

"Even better," I smiled. "Let's just go to California. I'm sure it'll be a blast."

"You want to pick up our lives and run off to California? What's there for us?"

"Who cares? We'll have each other," I smiled, wrapping my hands around his neck and tugging him closer so he was on top of me.

"Babe, we have to go."


"Kenzie," he sighed and I kissed him, keeping him from his speech. "I'll leave without you."

"What?" I gasped. He pulled away and got off the bed in only boxers.

"In an hour I'm leaving," he said. "I'm going to shower. Feel free to join me, Kenz."

"Ugh," I groaned. I had to get out bed and get ready. College. I was excited for this. I think. Aw well. Time for a shower with the Stefanator.


"We're in college, Stefan," I cheered, tugging my suitcase behind me. My arm wrapped around his waist as he carried three boxes of stuff for my room. He was going to move himself in.

"Babe, get your hand off my ass," Stefan said and I giggled, sliding my hand back up to his lower back.

"I love you, handsome. My sexy little Stefanator."

"I love you too, Kenz," he smiled at me.

"We actually made it. We're here," Caroline added, turning to look over her shoulder at us. She was ahead with her mom.

We walked for a few more minutes before we were entering our dorm room for three. Stefan put the boxes down and grabbed me by my wrist, "I'm gonna grab the rest of your things, okay?"

"Need me to come?"

"If you want," he said and I shook my head.

"No. Wanna sit. Tired. We got up early."

"Okay. I'll be back," Stefan said. He left out and the unpacking began. Caroline and Liz started putting things away, I laid there. Eventually when Stefan came back, opened all my boxes for me. Then forced me to help the three of them. And we were unpacked in a few hours. Stefan left to head to his and Tyler's dorm room.

"Come here," Liz said to me, reaching for me. She gave me a big hug before stepping back, "This is where your dad fell in love with medicine, you know? He would be really proud to see you here."

"Thank you," I smiled slightly.

"Ok, go! Before I change my mind and make you stay," Caroline joked.

"I'm going. I'm going. I love you. Bye, girls," she said, hugging Care who stood by the door. Then Liz left us so it was just the two of us now.

"So, roomie, I think we should drink to something," Caroline suggested.

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