19: The Visions Ended

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Chapter Nineteen

"What do you mean you can't stop their visions?" Damon growled out.

"Our magic doesn't work like that. We're not bigger than the universe," Luke informed us all.

"Then why are you are in my house?" Damon snapped, standing up. Oh, no.

"Because we need your help. We think the Travelers are about to make their move. Their leader Markos is here," Luke said.

"From where? Chant camp?"

"The other side. He's been dead for centuries, and we think the fire sacrifice allowed him to escape."

"Perfect. A dead old guy with a mysterious, evil plan. I'll take that drink now," Elena said.

"Stefan just called. He said the scrap yard's been completely cleared out," Caroline said and I narrowed my eyes. Didn't I just tell him it bothered me she checked in with him. Now he's checking in with her and NOT me—"Here's your phone, Kenzie. You left it in the kitchen. It was ringing while I was heating up the bottle for Maverick."

Oh. Okay then. "And let me guess, the witches don't know where Markos is," Damon frowned.

"You guys said the visions are trying to draw Kenzie, and Stefan or Elena and Stefan, or whatever, together for something," Luke shrugged.

"For our doppelgänger blood. The Travelers need it for some prophecy," I told Luke.

"And if the Travelers are the ones who need your blood, doesn't it make sense that you're not only being drawn together but also..." Luke trailed off.

Elena gasped, "Being drawn to them."

"Well, this just keeps getting better and better," Damon scoffed, filling up two glasses of bourbon and handing me the first filled one.

"Wait. I don't get it," Caroline frowned.

"If the visions are a road map, then we need more clues. Break out the popcorn, blondie. Elena and Kenzie's little sex romps aren't over yet," Enzo explained in the worst way possible.

"I need to feed my son," Elena said. Everyone split then. Damon walked off, Enzo and Caroline went to play a game of pool on the new pool table, Elena sat on the couch feeding Mav a bottle, Luke left and I went to the kitchen to make myself some food.


"What are you doing out here?" I asked, stepping outside through the wide open door to find Damon on sitting the front porch alone.

"Aw, you know, looking at the stars, listening to the universe laugh at me," he said. I chuckled and plopped down on the step next to him.

"Damon," I said, nudging him. He handed over the cup of bourbon he was sipping from sighed. I took a small gulp of the brown liquid before handing it back and opening my mouth to talk. "Damon, they're just visions. As soon as we find Markos, they'll stop."

"And then what? Elena and I are friends? Can't wait."

"I don't know. You take it one step at a time. Prove to her you'd be an amazing boyfriend. Maybe she wants to be friends because she doesn't think you're ready for more. The boyfriend to a single mom, Damon. It's not just her, you know."

"I know."

We both sat in silence, drinking. Me from the glass and him straight out the bottle now. I stared up at the stars lighting up the sky, and slowly drifted away.

"Hey," Stefan grinned at me. He was standing over the island counter where the stove was, pans sizzling above it.

"You're really trying to pull off this chef thing," I commented, entering the kitchen that looked similar to my old family house.

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