20: Lake House Hideout

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Chapter Twenty

"How is it Travelers are everywhere until you actually need to find one?" Damon asked over the phone and I rolled my eyes. I hoped this idiot saved us.

"Hunt going poorly then?" Enzo asked him.

"That's what I get for working with the Hardy Boys."

"I take it you don't have Stefan's diaries handy. I need you to check his journal for an entry on November 8, 1960."

"Stefan burned his journals a while ago. He was in a mood. Why?" Damon questioned and I winced. I forgot about that. Stefan did burn then all. No memories, needing a fresh start.

"Well, just trying to settle a little debate. No matter. I'm right—"

"Damon!" I shouted. "Help!"

"Is that Kenzie? What the hell?"

"Yes that's her," Enzo said, shooting me a glare.

"Are you with them right now? Wh—"

"Not for long. I reckon one will be dead soon. Eye for an eye and all that."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Enzo. You have your murder voice on. I need you to speak very slowly and calmly and tell me what the hell the problem is."

"The problem, if you must know, is that my girl Maggie, the one who got away, it turns out she didn't get away for long. Your ripper of a brother took a big bite out of her neck membrane in the sixties."

"Sixties? Stefan wasn't even—"

"Got to jet, mate. Nothing personal, just a bit of revenge, you understand?" Enzo interrupted him then ended the call. "Any history majors in the house? Ah. Trick question. I compelled them all not to speak or react. Never mind. We'll use this," Enzo rambled, holding his phone and typing away on it. "1960. Let's see. Ford thunderbirds, Lincoln continentals, unseasonably cold that year. Tuesday, November 8, John F. Kennedy was running for president."

"Election night," Stefan spoke up and I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Oh no.

"Stefan," I said warningly. Weary.

"I was following a woman. She slowed down and I sped in front of her, bit into her neck. But then I let her go and compelled her to forget. She walked off and then there was a woman behind me," Stefan started the story. "She saw me obviously and said she wasn't there to judge. I asked who she was and she said Maggie James. And she knew me. Then she pulled out a picture of Damon, said she'd been staring at it for years. I asked how she knew about him and she said she was searching for him for two years and she knew everything about him and I. I asked why she was obsessed with my brother. She said he knew a friend of hers who died in a fire and wanted me to help her find him. I told her the truth, to stay away from Damon. He was a monster, fell off the rails a few years back. She said she didn't want to talk to him, she wanted to kill him. I asked to be clear that she wanted me to tell her where my brother was to kill him. She said she'd be doing the world of favor. And I told her she wasn't doing herself any favors and I... I vamped out, attacked her. I bit her."

"That was Maggie," I whispered.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Enzo grinned.

"I didn't kill her. I was just trying to scare her into leaving town," Stefan said.

"So it was the other ripper in Mystic Falls then?"

"I have no reason to lie to you, Enzo."

Enzo scoffed walking away from us and grabbed Bonnie who was sitting at a table watching us. "Are your lies worth Bonnie's life?" He asked dragging her closer to us and holding a hand around her neck.

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