11: Doppelganger Blood

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Chapter Eleven

Stefan placed a hand over mine, keeping me from taking a sip of red wine from my glass. Our waiter served us a bottle with carding us and I was taking advantage of it, against Stefan's wishes. He wanted to refuse the bottle of wine left with us and I did not. So here he was keeping me from enjoying my third glass of the yummy sangria. "Why don't you at least slow down, huh?" Stefan suggested, raising a brow at me.

"I'm fine," I told him with a reassuring smile. I shook his hand off mine gently and brought the glass to my lips for a large gulp.

"It's not water, Kenz," Stefan reminded me.

"I know, Stef," I snapped in the same stern tone he used. Only my voice was covered in annoyance. "We are supposed to be having fun. We're on a date for Christ sakes, Stefan. Can you stop being my father for a minute?"

"I'm not trying to be your dad. I'm trying to avoid having to carry a drunk girl out the restaurant to our car," he growled in a low whisper. Now he was angry. And here I thought a date would do us some good.

Without replying, I drowned the glass in one whole sip and watched him shake his head. "There. Gone. Feel better?" I asked and he looked away from me, jaw clenched and surely biting his tongue to keep from arguing with me further. "Now excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom. Oh, is that fine by you, daddy?"

Stefan's eyes darkened when he looked at me. But not with a lust. Well, maybe a little. Majority in his eyes was irritation. He knew I was being smart and his temper seemed to be gaining control over him. He didn't speak though so I stood from the table and walked off quickly to the restroom.

I barely walked into the large room when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my bra to see a text from Damon. Then with another buzz a second message. Great, bad news I assume. He knew we were on a date and he promised not to interrupt.

"Hate to be a bother. Can you cut the date short?" The first message read. The second one was, "Finally got in touch with Silas. Call me?"

"Not a bother at all. Date has barely begun and already heading south. Your brother is a drag. But I'll get our food to go. See you soon," I responded with a heavy sigh.

"Three years and you just figured out why I call him Saint Stefan? I thought you were smarter than that, kitten. Hurry home so you can tell me all about your 30 minute date," he texted with a winky face at the end. I smiled, shaking my head. Idiot.

I used the bathroom quickly but got a small head rush when I stood up. And a slight wave of dizziness. Ugh. Maybe Stefan was right. I should've slowed down on the wine. Three glasses in ten to fifteen minutes? And I chugged the first and the last one. I giggled at myself in the mirror. Stefan was going to kill me. Just the thought made me laugh harder. Stefan couldn't hurt a fly. All he's going to do is grumble under his breath and carry me to the car. He'd take good care of me.

I headed out the bathroom, tripping out the doorway. Stupid heels! With an annoyed grunt I took them off one by one while holding a hand against the wall to hold myself up. "Kenz?" Someone called.

I turned to see Stefan in the doorway of the small red hallway I was in that led to the bathrooms. "Hi," I smiled sheepishly.

"Why aren't you wearing shoes?" He frowned, not coming closer. He leaned in the door way sexily. No doubt still irritated with my behavior.

Kenzie Gilbert: The Coercive Twin (5)Where stories live. Discover now