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"Woah, woah! Slow down, there."

"Blake, I really, really need your help right now!"

"Okay. What do you want my help with?"

"You have to help me! It's a life or death situation!"

"Oh. That sounds serious. Now, tell me, what is it?"

" I can't believe I forgot it. How can I forget something like this-"

"Sophie, just kill the suspense already!"

"Alright! It's.."



"Oh, will you say it already?"

"Okay, okay! It's my best friend's birthday today?"



"All this suspense and it's just your best friend's birthday?"

"Oi! It's a pretty big issue, okay? It's her birthday and I've got nothing planned! What am I gonna do?"

"Get her a cake?"

"Wow. Blake, that's a great idea! Thank you so much! I am gonna make the best birthday cake for her!"

"No problem, Soph! Now, get started with the preparations!"

"Yeah, come on. Let's get going."

"Wait, when did I get involved in it?"

"The moment you gave me the idea!"

"What? No way! I don't know a thing about baking!"

"Don't worry, I am a pro at baking! Now, get up! We don't have all day."

"Soph, you know what? I don't think it's a good idea. Maybe we can think of something else."

"No! It's a perfect idea! Also, it won't be a problem to get into the hospital's mess!"

"How do you plan on getting in the mess?"

"I have my ways. Now, get up! I'm so excited about it! She's going to love it!"

"I have a feeling that this is not gonna end well."

"You doubt too much, Blake. This plan is going to be a success."

I dialed The Last Digit Wrong crossed 50K views! Wow! Thank you so much guys! :) :D

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