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"Blake, don't you think that I'm adorable?"


"Come on, tell me!"

"How about no?"

"*gasp* That's so mean! When someone is asking if they are adorable or not, you're supposed to say yes!"

"But I thought that I was supposed to tell the truth!"

"Well, it's different with me! So, you are going to say yes to all the other questions I am about to ask! Get it?"

"What? But that's just -"

"Just do it!"

"Okay, fine! Don't get so worked up!"

"Great! Now, we'll try once again! Do you think I'm adorable, Blake?"

"Sometimes, you act like you are bipolar or something! Okay, fine! Yes, Soph, you are really adorable!"

"Do you think it's your utmost pleasure that you met me?"

"Um, yes?"

"Do you think that I've done a favour on these oblivious people of earth by gracing it with my presence?"

"You've never heard of modesty, have you? You should try it someday. But to answer your question, yes, Lord Sophie."

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated! Don't you think that the people should repay me for doing such a huge favour on them?"

"Okay, now you're stretching it a lot! I'm done with it. I'm not gonna say yes to that!"

"You will say yes to my question!"

"No, I won't!"


"I demand to be assigned a lawyer! I am being forced to admit to false statements here! Show some mercy, for Pete's sake!"

"Say yes."

"It's getting really childish now"


"Fine, yes!"

"Great! I'm so glad to know that you think so, Blake! Now, as for your payment, you are going to buy me loads of chocolates. And for that, you've got one hour!"

"Oh my God! I can't believe you! All this drama, only for chocolates? Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously!"

"I mean, seriously? Can't you just ask like a normal person? Like, 'Hey Blake, can you please bring me chocolates?' "

"I can but where would be the fun in that?"

"Soph, are you sure that you belong to the species homo sapiens?"

"How could you say that? Of course, I don't! I am from mars and I have been sent here on a very secret mission! Oh shit, now I'll have to wipe your memory because you know that I am an alien."

"For some reason, I don't even doubt that."

Don't you guys think it's about time Sophie's secret gets revealed?? ;)

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