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"So, you're going back to the sulking mood?"


"Are you seriously not even going to speak a word?"


"I don't even get a thank you for the amazing speech I gave there?"


"Oh, come on, dude! Speak up! Tell me, what's going on in your head?"

"You know, I think she is right."

"What? You can't be serious!"

"I am. I mean, she didn't say anything wrong. While Tessa is there, still unconscious, I am here speeding on wheelchairs with you! I should be there fighting her mother to let me see her!"


"I don't deserve to be happy when my partner is suffering from so much!"

"Dude, don't make me slap you now. Because honestly? My palm is really itching to make contact with your cheek."


"Life doesn't come with a pause button, Blake! Instead of completely pausing your life, you are supposed to continue with the hope that Tessa will come back to you. Okay, just imagine, if the situation was reversed, would you want Tessa to leave everything else and just sit there sulking about you?"

"Of course not!"

"Well, you have your answer then! Tessa won't want that either!"

"You're right, I guess."

"That I am. Anyway, what did her mother meant when she said that you put Tessa there?"

"*sigh* She blames me for her accident because on the day of accident, Tessa left her family event early so that she can meet me to celebrate our anniversary."

"That's ridiculous! That's not your fault! That was Tessa's decision!"

"I don't know."

"But I do. You know, from what you've told me about Tessa, that girl is gonna give her mother a very hard time when she wakes up."

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