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"Hey, how are you?"


"Aw, come on, Soph. Don't be like that."

"I'm still shaken from the news. It'll take some time before I come to terms with it. Anyways, how's Tessa? She didn't come today?"

"She's asleep actually and I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Why do you sound so serious?"

"Well, you see.."




"Okay, I'm not going to beat around the bush and get it out at once."


"I've decided to donate my eyes to Tessa."

"What?! Come again, I think I heard you wrong."

"I've decided to donate my eyes to Tessa."


"I've -"

"I heard you, loud and clear. No need to repeat it. Are you out of your mind or what? Do you even think before opening your mouth?"

"I've actually thought about it and I want to do it. I can't see her suffering like this."

"What about you? You've got your whole life ahead!"

"I'll manage and I know she'll be there to help me."

"Blake, you're not thinking straight. You're just being impulsive."

"I'm not being impulsive, Soph. I've been thinking about it for days."

"Have you told her about this?"

"No. And I'm not going to tell her, either. I know she'd do anything in her power to stop me."

"And there's nothing I would say that can change your mind?"



"Really? Thank you so much, Soph. I really need someone to support me."

"But you'll have to do something for me."


"It's your senior year, right?"


"And school would be over in two months?"


"I want you to wait until the end of senior year before you donate your eyes to Tessa."

"But -"

"Please, Blake. I want to enjoy a couple of months before you do the selfless act. I'm not asking for too much."


"Please, Blake, you have to do this. Please."




And..it's out. Thoughts about the chapter?
Only three more chapters to go..

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