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"Hey, Soph!"

"Oh! Hey, Alien! Didn't know that you were visiting Earth again. How's life at mars?"

"Way to go, Soph! I'm already feeling so guilty and you just have to make me feel way more guilty."

"Well, you should! Do you know what it's like to be holed up inside a tiny room? I was soooooo bored! It's infuriating, just laying here and staring at this ceiling! Did I say that I was bored? Because I was! B-O-R-E-"

"Okay, okay, I get it. You got BORED! And I'm really sorry."

"Don't sweat it. I was just pulling your leg and I wanted to make you feel guilty, so mission accomplished. Now tell me! Did my plan work or did my plan rock?"

"Your plan - wait, they both mean one and the same thing."


"Cocky as always, huh, Soph?"

"Always. Soo?"

"Well, your plan rocked! It took a lot of work on my part but I finally convinced her."

"I knew it!"

"So, I told Tessa about you and she wants to meet you."

"Really? Um, Blake..actually I would love to meet her but we kinda have a problem."


"I am not allowed to leave the room anymore."

"Why? Is your..is your condition progressing?"

"I've just been feeling more weak so Dr. Ford banned me from leaving the room, that's all. Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"How can I not worry? Of course, I'm going to worry."

"Well, you shouldn't. So I can't leave the room anymore but hey, maybe you can bring Tessa here, someday."

"Sure, I think we can work that out."


"So, what are we doing today?"

"You decide. I'm bored out of my mind to even think of something."

"Harry Potter?"

"You even have to ask? Hell yeah!"

"After all this time?"


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