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Bold - Blake
Italics - Sophie
Underlined - Dr. Ford

"But Dr. Ford.."

"Soph, no. And why do you insist on calling me Dr. Ford even when it's just the two of us? You remember that I'm your uncle, right? I think you might be losing some nerve cells too."

"Hey! My nerve cells are very much fine! And I keep calling you Dr. Ford because I know it makes you feel old and - hey! I saw what you did there! You can't change the topic!"

"Well, I did and it actually worked. For some time, at least."

"Ha! But you got caught because I'm smart. Now, why are you confining me in this small room for twenty four - seven? You know that staying at the hospital is bad enough but now you won't even let me get out of this room?"

"Soph, -"

"I would go insane here, staring at these blank walls all day!"

"I know, Soph but you are getting too weak and you have to stay here only. Please, you have to understand that I'm doing this for your own good."

"But -"

"And hey, it's not that bad. You can always call that friend of yours. Blake, was it? I'm sure he won't mind spending some time with you."

"I know, but he's got his own stuff to sort out, now that Tessa is awake and I don't want to burden him more."

"Tessa? She's a patient of mine. I really feel sorry for her. That girl -"



"Can we please talk?"

"I'll see you later, Soph. And you're not getting out of this room, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Come in, boy."


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