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Bold - Blake
Italics - Sophie
Plain text - Mrs. Cole


"Hahaha..You are acting like a kid on Christmas!"

"But it's so much fun!"

"I told you! Man, I missed speeding on a wheelchair!"

"It's thrilling! Oh, and Soph?"


"The one to reach the canteen first is the winner! See you there, loser!"

"Hey! That's not fair! Come back, you cheater!"

"None can do. I'm so gonna beat you in this race. God, it would be so entertaining to see you sulk about losing the race!"

"Don't be delusional! You are not winning the race! I'm the invertor of this."

"We'll see. But right now, you're the one who's lagging behind!"

"You just wait - Blake, watch out!"

"What? Oh, no, no. I know what you're trying to do! You cannot distract - ahhh!!"


"I was not trying to distract you, moron!"

"Oh, shit! I'm really sorry, mam! Are you hurt? Here, let me help you."

"Bloody teenagers! Don't even - Blake?"

"Mrs. Cole?"

"Blake! I told you to watch out! Why don't you listen to what I say?"

"This is what you are doing when my baby is lying there, unconscious?"

"Listen -"

"Why am I not even surprised? After all, you are the one who put her there. Why would you care?"

"Mrs. Cole, please -"

"It makes me really sad to see that you are having fun here when you should be worrying about your girlfriend!"

"Will you please - "

"How could you do this to her? I thought you actually loved her! She is only unconscious and you've already replaced her?"


"Okay! That's enough! You have blamed him enough! He actually loves your daughter and he cares about her too. You don't get to lecture him when you've not seen his condition for the last couple of months. Where were you when he was actually crying? Where were you when he was so close to losing his mind?"


"Right! You were not there. So, don't start accusing him just because he is smiling for once! And about replacing your daughter? I know him enough to know that no one can replace your daughter for him."


"Now, if you'll please excuse us! Come on, Blake."

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