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"Welcome to 'The Terrace'!"

"It's just a terrace, Soph."

"For you, it is. But for me, it's a special place."


"Well, I've been stuck in this place for nearly a year and sometimes, it gets really depressing and I miss being outside, a lot. So, I just come here when everything gets unbearable and just standing here in the fresh air, helps me clear my mind a lot."

"What do you usually think about?"

"I think about the life I would've had if my parents were still here. I think about what I might be doing if I hadn't gotten ill. I think about a lot of things. I'm in my own happy place when I come here."


"What do you do when life gets frustrating?"

"I play guitar. It reminds me of the time when Tessa and I would leave in the middle of the night to our secret place and we would talk about anything and everything. And then she'd always ask me to sing for her. You know, even though I'm an average singer, she made me feel like I was some world famous singer just by the way she'd look at me."


"You know, I lose my cool a lot of times because I miss her a lot and she has yet to wake up. But I think I'm coming in terms with the fact that this is not a movie and I can't wake her up by just kissing her. I just have to be patient and wait for her and you've helped me a lot in realising that."

"Aw. Blakey boy, don't get all mushy now. You are such a softy. I bet you cry while watching movies."

"No. Just, no. Feel special that you get to witness this side of me."

"You are such - Oh, my God! Blake! It's raining!"

"Yeah. Come on!"

"What? No way! Get away from me!"

"Come on, Soph! Live a little!"

"Blake, stop! I can't afford to get sick! Nurse Anna would kill me!"

"Aw, come on! I'll work my charms on nurse Anna, so don't worry about her and it you get sick, i'll be there to take care of you, okay?"

"Ugh, fine. But if I get I'll, the blame is on you."


"Eeeeee! Cold, cold, cold!"

"It's rain, Soph! It doesn't undergo boiling before falling down, of course it's cold."

"Shut up."


"Oh, oh! Blake, look over there! It's so beautiful!"

"What? Where?"

"Turn around, you idiot! Over there!"

"Where - Shit! What the hell!?!"


"Did you just - you - did you - "

"Oh, my God! Your expression was priceless!"

"You kicked my ass! Literally!"

"You bet I did!"

"Why would you do that?!"

"Well, you screamed right in my ear, so I had to return the favour, right?"

"I cannot believe this!"

"Payback is a bitch!"

"Hey! Where are you running off to?"

"Have fun sitting in the rain after getting your ass kicked! Bye bye."

"Oh, you are so going to pay for this. Come here!"


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