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Bold - Blake
Italics - Sophie


"Soph, your cake is here! Now, come on, tell me how great of a person am I? I wanna hear it in your voice, even though I already know it!"

"I have a tonne of sarcastic comments ready as a reply to that. But I'm in a good mood so I'll let you have your moment. Wait, I'll even add a pinch of my dramatics!"

"I'm waiting.."

"Oh, Blake! You are a life saviour! A hero! How am I ever gonna repay you?! I can't tell you how I feel in words! Maybe I can show you.."

"Yeah, no. I'm never asking you to praise me again. Ever."

"But..But..Your expression! It..It w-was so hilarious! Man, it was totally worth it!"

"Yeah, yeah. I guess we already established that you find joy in tormenting poor me!"

"Yup. I'm not even gonna deny it! But in all honesty, thank you very much for doing this. You are a really good friend!"

"I know. *Pats his back* Good job, Blake!"

"Man, you are cute!"

"I. Am. Not. A. Puppy."

"True. But you're still cute!"


"Okay, enough talking! Let's take this cake to the birthday girl! Yayyyyyy!"

"You're such a kid!"

"But you still love me!"

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