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Bold - Blake
Italics - Sophie
Plain text - Ben
"Man, why is it so hard to decide?"


"I guess I'll go with the cheese cake, Ben."

"Right away."

"Thanks, Ben."

"No problem."

"Um, Ben?"


"Have to seen Blake around these past couple of days?"

"Your friend? I don't think so?"


"Are you searching for him? If so, then why don't you just try calling him?"

"On the contrary, I'm hiding - "

"Oh, look! He's right over there! Hey, Blake!"

"What the hell are you doing? Oh, shit! Why did you call him here, you idiot?"

"I thought you were searching for him. I was just trying to help. What did I do wrong?"

"If you had let me complete my sentence earlier then you would know that I was hiding from him and not searching for him!"

"Um, really? Oh. Um, sorry?"

"Oh, god! What do I do? Where do I hide? Hey, do you have any space vacant in the pantry where I can fit?"

"I don't think so -"

"Please, you have to help me out! I can adjust in very little space, believe me. I just need a little corner but please you have to help -"

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to show her face after going MIA."

"I didn't show my face on purpose." *Mumbles*

"So, we didn't get to complete our conver-"

"Oh, wait! Just  two seconds, okay?"

"If you think you can escape this time also then you are wrong."

"Keep quiet! You're going to be amazed."

"What are you trying to do?"

"Aw, man! It didn't work! Let me try it once again."

"Soph -"



"Aw, it didn't work this time either!"

"And what were you trying to do exactly?"

"I was trying to Apparate!"



"Seriously, Soph?"

"Yeah. Well, it didn't work so I guess I'll have to do it the good old way."


"Oh my God! Ben, what's happening to you?"

"What's happening to Ben? Ben, what - You seem alright. Is something the matter, Ben?"

"Um, no?"

"Soph, he's absolutely fine. Why were you - where's Sophie?"

"Um, she just ran out of the cafeteria."

"WHAT? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know I was supposed to say something! Why is everyone blaming me today?"

"Shit. She escaped, again!"

Get ready for a roller coaster ride.

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