Chapter Twenty-Three

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My Point of View 

When we first got in the door, Mom and Dad took turns yelling at me for running off, and Josh and Tyler trying to tell them it wasn't my fault, and them being told to shut up, then they told me to go upstairs. I did so, but I parked myself on the last step which positioned me out of sight but not out of earshot. I hugged the railing, fearing the worst. I didn't want to lose my friends. 

Somewhere around the two a.m mark, Jenna had come inside and was roped into the conversation, and I dozed off around forty minutes later. 


"Hey," I felt a poke, and I moaned. "Hey Kid, wake up." Another poke, and I grunted. "Come on, you need to go to bed." One final nudge came and my eyes popped open and I sat up." 

"WHATTTT?!" I demanded in a whiny tone that sounded like I had just eaten ten tons of sandpaper. I was not awake yet. It was really dark so it took me a few moments to figure out what was going on and where I was and who I needed to kill because of poking me and being so annoying and disturbing my rest. 

I rubbed my eyes and saw Josh sitting on the step next to me, and he smiled a little. Everything came flooding back in then. 

"What....what time is it?" 

"It is..." he checked his Apple watch. "Five in the morning." 

I groaned. "When did you guys-" 

"About an hour ago." 

Wow. Long conversation. I wish I hadn't fallen asleep now, so I could know what was said and what all of our fates were. 

"Are you-" 

"Come on, you need some sleep." 

"I got some sleep," I argued, limply pulling away from his tug up the last few steps. 

"Some sleep that isn't on a hard step, where you don't get carpet face and a killer sore back, Kit." 

I stood up, and yelped, before falling. My ankle. I think it's worse. I had almost forgotten about it, but that reminded me alright... I grimaced, and bit down on my lip. 

"Ooooh, I'm sorry. I forgot. Here, you need me to carry you?" 

I wagged my head. "Just support me, okay?" 

He nodded, and put my arm around his neck. I didn't put weight on my injured foot, and more or less just hopped up the stairs; with a lot of Josh's help, of course. 

When we got to my room, I collapsed onto my bed, face down, moaning from the aches and pains everywhere. 

"Can I see it?" he asked, kneeling down by my feet. 

"Nuh-uh..." I rolled over, and looked at his worried face. Would I ever see him again? "Josh, will I see-" 

"Come on now, get some need it." 

"No. Josh-" 

"Kirsten, I am serious. Now go to sleep." 

"Are you leaving?" I inquired, much more emotion than I wanted showing through. 

A small, compassionate smile creased his face. "Who, me?" 

I nodded slowly, clutching on to my covers like I was scared of the monsters in my closet or under my bed. 

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry." 

I didn't believe him. He went to leave, but I spoke up. "Josh?" 

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