Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My Point of View 

I woke up slowly, clutching onto my pillow for comfort. Another day, how wonderful. I've always said every day that I wake up is a bad one.

Good grief, I didn't even know where I was yet and my mind was already set on attack mode. I groaned a little, and shifted. Then the funniest thing happened: my pillow moved. This made my eyes spring open, and I jerked up, all the reality of the world crashing down on me at once. The suddenness almost took my breath away. I was laying on Tyler's arm...............oh man...........I looked down to my hands in embarrassment. 

Tyler was asleep in a hunched down position, with his neck coking to one side in a very un- natural looking manner. I rubbed my eyes, trying to re-collect the happenings of last night. I had gotten up due to nightmares and then Josh- I searched the room, squinting, then settled on the chair which was by the couch, and Josh was laying in a similar uncomfortable fashion. 

My brain raced a hundred miles a minute, trying to remember when josh showed up again...but I couldn't remember that part. I must've fallen asleep. 

My eyes were drawn to the beaten up,worn notebook laying open on Tyler's lap. I peered at his chicken scratch headline. I inched closer, slowly to try and read it, without waking him. But the light of the TV wasn't quite enough. 

I searched the coffee table for my phone, and then checked the time. It was still the middle of the night. Wow. The time itself brought on a feeling of weakness, and so I curled up in a ball, careful not to touch Tyler and wake him up, then situated, using my own arms as a pillow this time. 


The smell of something heavy, with almost a sweet aroma wafted in the air, and I woke up for the third time, quickly satisfied by the rays of sunlight that hit my skin, warming me. 

I blinked away the clouds in my eyes, and the my mind registered that the smell that had absorbed the room was bacon- DUH, how could I not recognize THAT? 

Turning around, I saw Jenna standing over the stove, and I smoothed my hair down. Jenna turned around and brought a finger to her lips, while gesturing to the guys, who were both asleep still. It was only eight-something in the morning. I smiled, and nodded. 

I got my morning shower, got dressed, and ran my fingers through my newly short hair. The scent of a full breakfast hit me, and if made me walk a little bit faster into the main room. 

"Goooood morning, Kidarooooo!" Josh sang, and I shook my head. 

"Too early, Joshie, too early." 

He laughed. "Nickname number two, just sayyyyingggg!

Tyler sat at the small table, looking a bit dazed. He took a long drink of coffee, and then continued to stare at the same place on the table he had evidently fixated on. Good. Another morning person. We'd be grumpy together. 

"So what do you guys wanna do today?" Josh asked, straddling a chair, smiling. Our little ray of sunshine needed to dull his brightness just a liiiiiitle tiny bit. "We're free until tonight," he added when nobody answered him.

"Shopping?" Jenna suggested. 

"Wait- where are we again?" Josh asked. He apparently constantly forgot where in the world they were while on tour.

"New York..." 

"City or State?" he asked. 

"Look outside, sunshine," I replied, dryly and I saw Tyler's lips twitch into a small grin.

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