Chapter 4

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"Hello?" I hear Henry's deep voice come from my phone. "Hello Uncle Henry." I call him uncle because he's my fathers best friend and I've known him since I was born.

The last time I talk to him was just a few months ago, but the last time I actually saw him was 10 years ago. "Alexis, what a wonderful surprise. I haven't talked to you in what seems like forever."

I can hear the happiness in his voice and I know he's smiling just like me. "I know and I do wish it was under better circumstances."

I let out a tired sigh as I feel a headache began to form. "Princess? Is something wrong?" I laugh at the 'princess' remark.

Only him and my father call me that. "Just Alpha and Queen duties make me a little tired. I've called you cause I need a favor."

"You know I'd do anything for you, just name it." I do know he'll do anything. Im just not sure he'd put his pack's lives at stake.

"I know, but I still hate to ask this. Henry, Cece's pack is going to war against Blood Moon and we don't have enough members to defeat them."

He laughs and I can feel my wolf growl. She thinks he's laughing at her, making fun of her. She does not like it when someone show's disrespect.

"Calm down Alexis, no need to get angry. I know what you wanna ask and yes of course I'll help you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you because I wasn't there when you needed me."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and silently thanked the moon goddess for Henry. "Thank you Henry. You don't have to bring everyone. Just the people who are willing to fight."

"You're a strange one Alexis. Most Alpha's force every able person to defend their pack, but you give them a choice. You're a wonderful Queen."

"Thanks Henry. Now, can you be here sometime this week? We need to come up with a plan." He chuckles lightly before speaking. "Of course. I'll call as soon as I can leave. I have to go now princess."

"Bye Henry, I'll tell my father you said hi." I hang up and place my phone on my desk. This has been a long day and I need a shower.

I make my way outside my office and to my living room where I see two guards and Sam in position, waiting for orders.

"My Queen." Sam bows when he sees me and I just roll my eyes. I've known Sam for years and he still acts all proper. "Please just call me Alexis. We grew up together. I hired you as head of the royal guard not just for your strength and trust but because I thought you'd stay your same fun self. So please just stop."

I hold onto his shoulders as I plead with him for the millionth time to be normal. He starts laughing and I glare at him. "Im sorry, I'll call you Alexis, ok?"

I grin at the same time as him. "Thank you moon goddess." I shout to the sky and I start to laugh with Sam.

"Ok, you guys can change shifts with Marko, Taylor, and Sandy. Go say hi to your mates and get some sleep." Sam and the two guards say their goodbyes and I head up to my room.

After a quick shower I get dressed again and head for the guest house. It's only a five minute walk there so I get there fast.

I know Sam and my father will be mad that I'm walking around without a guard but they'll get over it.

"Alpha." The two guards from the pack bow when they see me. I sent them to watch over our guests just incase.

I walk up to the door and give a quick knock. A few seconds later Aiden opens the door. "My Queen." He bows in submission before looking at me again.

"Aiden, I came to tell you dinner is ready. You can all come to the pack house and eat if you'd like." He thinks for a moment before agreeing.

"Im glad you all decided to come because if you wanna join this pack, you'll have to meet everyone. Just don't mention the war yet. I don't wanna worry anyone."

"Yes Alpha." They all say at the same time while following me to the pack house.

The pack cook, Tally, mind linked me while I was talking to Henry saying dinner was ready and they were waiting. I just hope they weren't waiting too long.

I walk into the dinning hall and see all 50 pack members chatting away. I told you we had a small pack. Most were killed in the war three years ago and it hasn't really grown since.

"Everyone? I have an announcement." They all look up at me and the males go on alert when the see the bundle of rouges behind me.

"Calm down, they aren't a threat. They came here for shelter and help, so please accept them and treat them as pack members."

All the male's sit back down as I walk to the head of the table. "Please, sit. There's plenty of room for all of you." They all hesitantly sit down at the ends of the table. You can feel how thick the tension is in the room as they move.

"Miss Alexis? Can I sit with you?" Lily taps my arm and I look down at here. "Sweety, she's the Alpha and Queen. You must address her as such."

A teenage girl leans down and whispers to Lily. "Cally, it's ok. She's only a little girl." Cally lightly apologizes and I turn to Lily.

"Of course Lily. You can sit in my chair and I'll grab another." I stand up and set her in my large chair while a pack member brings me a new one to sit in. "Let's eat shall we?"

Everyone's mood brightens up at the mention of food and soon they all forget about the rouges sitting a few feet away. I eat and watch as everyone chats and laughs.

I join some conversations and laugh when needed but at the back of my mind I cant relax. All I can think about is how I'm gonna tell this pack, who's already been through enough, that we're going to war.

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