Chapter 26

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I've been pacing up and down Alexis' office since she left. I was calm for the first hour, but Alexis blocked me from her. Now I can't talk to her, just feel her emotions.

Like right now, she's calm. She's still running. That always calms her. She's fine. I just need to keep reminding myself that she's always fine.

Besides, she has Sam with her. Sam has been watching over her their whole lives, he can protect her. Worry. The new emotion hits me, making me stumble. Gotta save them. The block she had up is gone, the same three words repeating in my head.

Gotta save them.

Gotta save them.

Gotta save them.

She's worried about her friends. Me and my wolf go on high alert, something went wrong. Within seconds I'm out the door, running towards the woods. My wolf is begging for control, to help our mate. I give it to him.

I jump, shifting in mid air into my black and brown wolf, running faster then before. Anger. A new wave of Alexis' emotions flood into me.

We push our legs to move faster. I can feel Alexis getting angrier then, nothing. I can't feel her. I can't feel her wolf. I can't feel our bond.

What's happening? My wolf slows down, panicking. He can't feel her. He breaks into another run, determined to find Alexis. After an hour of running we come to a stop as three wolves come running towards me. I recognize Sam's wolf as soon as I see it.

I shift, grabbing a pair of shorts on the forest floor. "Sam, where's Alexis?" He shifts and hangs his head low. "She stayed behind and got us out safely." By now all of them have shifted, the boy they rescued resting by a tree. " You didn't help her?" I scream at him.

"She wanted me to get Tatum and the other's to safety. It's my job to follow the Queen's orders." He doesn't look up, I hit him. "Your job was to protect Alexis." I stomp off past him, making my way towards Jack's territory. "Xander, what are you doing? You can't go back."

"I can and I will. Who knows what they're doing to her." He grabs my arm to stop me. "Jack is an idiot, but he won't hurt her. His wolf won't let him unless he turns rogue and he won't do that either. We'll get her back, but for now, you have to lead this pack into war."

"What are you talking about?" I turn an angry glare to Sam. "You're Alexis' mate which means you're technically King. If Alexis is unable to lead the pack then you have to step in and do it for her. You have to keep these wolves safe."

I let out a frustrated growl and slam my fist into a tree, denting the bark and scrapping my hand. "It's what she would've wanted Xander." I sigh, knowing he's right. "Fine." I take quick look back towards Jack's territory before walking away.


Music. That's what wakes me up, but I'm not with Blake anymore, I'm in my old room. The one in Ireland. A pale blue sky and white clouds make their way across my wall. I remember this, me and my mom painted it when I was 5.

I moved into a bigger room when I was 16 though. I look to my left, my old body mirror showing me in a pale purple gown. Fake roses line the stitching of the hoop skirt on my waist. This is the dress my mom made for me on my 8th birthday. I hated wearing this dress.

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