Just like Mama

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Waking up I realized I was already on a vehicle. Sitting up I glanced around, only to find I was back in the old van we used to use to go on the missions.

" Agent Brooming, you are on a solo mission. You may have contact with your family. You may not tell them where you are and whom you have met. If you do so there will be an immediate termination of your family. The mission has been estimated to be completed in seven months, there is no time limit. Just a base on how fast you have worked in the past. The B.P.R.D thanks you for your cooperation."

Looking over I saw that there was a boy holding a phone up, on the screen was Manning. His face was twisted into a smile. Narrowing my eyes I got up, and walked over to him, snatching the phone.

" You better make sure they will be taken care of Manning. Or I will be pissed."

Then I hit the end button and then glared at the boy.

" Is that the best they can do? Some little boy that probably would get killed if they try to keep up with me?"

The little boy shank back and shook his head.

" No ma'am...they put me in a program that helped me get to yours and Hellboy's level. It's an honor to meet the Demon-"

I covered his mouth with my hand. Kneeling down I pointed to myself,

" I am the mother of a little baby girl. I will not have some fifteen year old get mixed up into this sort of hell hole. Why are you even here?"

Moving my hand away I watched a smile split across his face,

" I am actually about twenty five years old Ma'am. And I joined the B.P.R.D because I am able to talk to the animals and basically turn into any natural material at will."

I snorted, rocking back onto my heels and standing up.

" So what if you wanted to you could turn into a fireball and say flame on?"

That got him laughing, clutching his sides.

" Manning said you had a sense of humor, didn't think it was going to be this funny."

Narrowing my eyes I walked over to my old seat. Pointing to the floor.

" That spot right there is where my brother would come in after fighting and bleed until he passed out. Right here is where I would sit with Abe and contemplate life. We spent a lifetime here in this dump truck, but it's all in the past. I never wanted to be back here. They took away Abe from me until I gave up life. Now they took me away from him and my daughter. What's your name kid?"

He shrugged,

" Mark ma'am. Can you stop calling me kid? I'm an adult thank you."

Leaning back I crossed my legs,

" I am old enough to be your grandma. You are a kid. And hell stop calling me ma'am, you're making me feel old."

He nodded,

" You don't look that old. You could pass as an eighteen year old Miss. Brooming."

Narrowing my eyes I let out a sigh,

" Mark, please. Call me Eleanor hell call me Ellie. Makes things easier on me. Now shut up. I need some actual sleep so that I can kick whatever ass I need to and get home to my family."

" Yes Ma'am."

Oooooo I was so going to kick this kids ass.

-Abe's pov-

This had to be how she felt, it's been a week since the B.P.R.D took Eleanor and I haven't heard anything from her. Rose wasn't able to see where her mother went nor why they took her. So any clues to see if she was okay was out the window.

" Daddy, Mama will be okay."

Looking down at Rose I couldn't help but smile. She shot up within a week, already being as tall as my him. She wasn't even two and she was tall. She was wearing the locket her mother and I picked out for her. Christmas was a somber time for us all, but if Ellie had found out that we didn't keep the spirit of christmas for the kids then she would have found a way to end us all. Reaching down I picked Rose up, her long silver hair was pulled back into a ponytail, which was harder than one would think. Liz had to show me how to do it, twice on May and Belle. They found it funny that their uncle couldn't do Rose's hair.

" I know Rose...I know. It's just Daddy misses her."

She nodded, putting her head on my shoulder,

" Can you make coffee Daddy? I miss the smell. Mama always has coffee."

I nodded, truth be told no one has touched the coffee maker since she was taken. We walked over to the coffee maker and I set her down on the counter, where she watched me make a pot of coffee.

" Can I have some? I wanna be like Mama."

That had me smiling. Of course Rose wanted to be like her mother. Ellie was an amazing woman, even with her attitude and her mouth. Reaching up into the cabinet I pulled down a mug for me and a mug for Rose. She kicked her feet as she watched me go and grab the creamer. When everything was done she took the mug and took a long intake of coffee.

" Smells like Mama.."

She said, her voice shook a bit as she took a sip. Her face twisted at the taste but she kept drinking it. If only Ellie was here, she would have been cheering and dancing around the kitchen.

" Daddy...I miss Mama! I want her home!"

She clutched onto the mug, her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at me. Taking her mug from her and setting it on the counter then pulled her into my arms. Holding her close.

" I miss her too baby. I am just so lucky they didn't't take you too. I wouldn't know what to do if they did."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around my neck and she started to cry hard. So I just started to rock her, rubbing her back until she was only sniffing. Setting her back down on the counter, I watched as she grabbed the mug and continued to drink the coffee.

" I will make Mama proud by drinking coffee."

She muttered, taking a break from gulping the liquid. I laughed,

" Little thorn, she is already proud of you. No matter what you like or what you do, she is always proud."

She nodded, taking a huge sip, finishing it with a grin.

" I'm like Mama now!"

Oh Eleanor, where are you? Our daughter needs you."

-Eleanor's pov-

I stared at the little remote village I had been assigned to help. They were all looking at me like they had seen a monster.

" Hello I am Eleanor Brooming I-"

" Save us!"


The villagers were all crying out, some in fear others with hope. Turning to Mark I gestured to the crowed,

" Get them to shut up before I run off."

Mark nodded, stepping forward and raising his hand. In some foreign language he started to talk, must have been the language of the people because they call calmed down.

" Now, who can speak english?"

Several hands shot up,

" Okay, now step forward. Is there a place where we can go to talk about what is causing problems with the village. Okay?"

Everyone nodded, and the people who raised their hands stepped forward. One a woman with very detailed clothing motioned to us to follow.

"Come, please."

I swear if this problem turns out to be some animal problem then I will personally shove my foot up Manning's ass until he coughs on his own shit.

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