Seeing into the future

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We desided to open up a lower part of the compound we turned into a home. The kids couldn't get in and it was a good place being that there was a place to train, computers to get started and old weapons to fix. After that was done there were tons of phone calls to make, some numbers were no longer in service, others were old friends who said they would think about it. Mike and Johann were the first to agree. It made me happy, my idea coming to life. I was sitting at the old computer, trying to figure out how to tap into the news and the actual old B.P.R.D files that we never got to. After working a few hours I finally got it, and actually found the system updated enough to connect us to all of the unsolved files, reports and what information they had on everything. It was interesting to see what they all had, and soon I found death reports of all past agents. Fathers face looked down on me from the monitor. Drawing my knees up to my chest I stared at him. His eyes seemed to be full of secrets and I wished from the bottom of my heart that he was still here with me. I wanted to have my children know their grandfather. I'm sure he would love all of them, trying to spoil them and impart all the wisdom Red and I never really listened to. Warm hands gently started to rub my shoulders, Leaning my head back I stared up at Abe. He kept working my shoulders, not saying anything. Lowering my legs I leaned forward, letting his hands travel and work, pulling out the painful knots in my back.

" He would have spoiled the kids way more than we have. I have a feeling that those who care about us that have past, are looking down on us all."

Once he was done, I spun around, looking up at my Abe. He stared down at me, and all I wanted to do was be held like we were about to be blown off the face of the planet. And that's what he did, he picked me up and carried me all the way back to the library, setting me down on the couch. He grabbed a book and came back, once he was settled in we cuddled close, not moving until the twins started to fuss. It was nice, just having a moment to relax like we had when we were younger. Bringing the twins over, he started to read again, and they listened. Their eyes finding him and all they could do was stare. Fern wouldn't sit still till she was on her father's lap, looking at the book while Violet started to doze off. Rose wondered in about halfway through the book. She pulled up the old chair and curled up in that, pulling a blanket around her until she had been cocooned within. This was my family, being brought together by their fathers words and ink on the paper. If only my father was here to see this. Like him they loved books. A large credit to my father on the fact he showed Abe books. It was like a gift from him in the past, it brought tears to my eyes as I thought about how he used to read to Red and I when we were both young. Once the book was done I gently started putting the children to their beds. Rose had fallen asleep as soon as she had done burrowing into the blanket. Like my kids, I was tried as well. Curling back up against Abe I gently gave him a kiss.

" Hey Abe?"

" Hmm?"

" Do you think that they will hate me for wanting to work while they are young? Do you think it'll be hard to teach them combat skills...or can we keep them home and safe forever?"

His soft chuckle seemed like an answer within itself.

" Eleanor, are you suggesting keeping your children, out of danger? You were the most bullheaded agent of the B.P.R.D, always ready to jump into a fight just like your brother. Our girls will find their own path one day. And until then we will prepare them for every possible outcome."

Smiling, I cupped his face.

" I dread the day they grow up and go away. I fear that they will find the world and never want to come home to my warms. They are my babies, I carried them in me. Any idea of them getting hurt in anyway feels like a pain worse than anything."

Abe nodded, his eyes closing as he took a deep breath. As he let it go, he squeezed me and then I understood that's exactly how he felt. Even though our children are little now, one day they will have their own paths. It might lead them far away, or keep them close. The idea I had could be the key to keep us together. To make a family business to carry out while they grow and spread their wings. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath, then I let myself fall asleep. Dreaming of the day where we could all save the world, as a family. 

Hello Lovelies~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been wondering if y'all would like to do a Q and A? It's just an idea, if it doesn't happen, then it doesn't. I was just wondering.  Anywhoo~ I hope to see all of you in the next chapter! Lanie~

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