Chapter 1

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"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them"~Desmond Tutu

Yasmin's POV:

"Wakie wakie Yasmin, it's time for breakfast. Abbi is already waiting for us downstairs" yelled my 9 years old brother next to my ears. I tried my best to ignore this little monster. Why are kids always loud? Maybe if I ignore him, he is going to leave me alone. I should have known better by now.

"Come on sister, I am really hungry and Dad won't let me eat if you are not there." I ignored him again but he just kept on going.

"Oh oh He is going to be really mad if you don't go downstairs right now and he might marry you next week to brother Malik since you love him so much that you don't want to spend time with us. Aren't you happy that you are turning 17 soon?" I jumped after hearing these words. Like seriously, this boy needs to know when to shut up. He just had to remind me that I will be forced to marry a guy that I don't even know and live with him my whole life.

And the worst thing, it will be in a week. Yup I will be 17 in 7 days. So no, I was not looking forward to my 17th birthday. It was supposed to be one of the best days of my life, but I guess it will end up being the worst, marking an end to my happiness and freedom. The same day will be my wedding. How can I live my family in a small house to go live in a castle with a guy I hardly know? And the rumors are that he is arrogant but deviliously  handsome. I just wish that he is not like those kind of rich people who think that money is everything, and that they are better than everyone. Ya Allah, please help me and guide me. 

So I held my little brother by the hand and patted the empty space next to me on the bed. He sat there and was now looking at me, confused by my non excitement for my birthday. I told him with a sad voice part of the truth:

"No honey, I am not looking forward to getting married because that would mean I won't be able to stay in this house with you like before. I would have my own house and a new family that I have to take care of. It won't be the same like before."

And suddenly, tears were forming in the eyes of the little devil. He understood the seriousness of the situation. But his next words made my heart ache.

"If it means that you won't be here with me all the time, please don't get married. Even if it means I have to share my toys and Nutella with you. Please don't leave me, not like mommy did." said Omar with tears threatening to spill . Oh my God, my dear little brother. He is still not over our mother's death, neither am I. No one can really  be over the death of someone they hold dear, but it happened for a reason. It was all in Allah's plan.

I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find my father there with a sad face, which he quickly replaced with an emotionless one. 

"We are all waiting for you downstairs. Come and find us for breakfast after you are done with your childishness. Omar let's go." He said before turning around.

Omar looked at me and I nodded my head to tell him that I will be downstairs in a few minutes. He looked at me again, and I pushed him outside the door gently before closing it. I sighed and went in the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I changed into white pants and a blue knee dress.  

I pinned my long Auburn hair into a messy bun before putting my white hijab loosely on my head. After all, I am in the house and there is no mahram around. I went downstairs to find that my dad and Omar already started eating.  I sat on the chair, facing my dad with Omar on my right. The silence was really awkward and I didn't want to start a conversation either. I was eating slowly but I could see from the corner of my eyes that my dad wanted to say something.  He finally stopped eating, put his fork down and looked at me straight in the eyes

"So we all know that you will be turning 17 in a few days, do you need money so you can start doing some shopping for the wedding?" He asked with a cold voice. What should I answer him? that no I don't want to get married? That I don't even know the guy? That he was rushing it? That I missed how sweet he used to be when mom was alive? But all of this stopped and my heart froze on what I heard next coming from my little brother. It was better if he didn't say anything.

"But Dad, can my sister stay here and not get married please? She doesn't even want to get married. It is like you are forcing her and she won't be happy with that guy." My dad's eyes turned red from anger.

"Omar, go bring me my phone in my room" He said not breaking our eye contact for a second. And when Omar was out of sight, he started yelling at me.

"Now you are poisoning your little brother. You are putting words in his head and making him question me."

"But Dad," I interupted him, I know I shouldn't but I had to try to make him change his mind before it is too late

"Omar is right, I don't want to marry that guy, I don't even know him. Please dad don't force me" I pleaded, I don't know if it was the hope in my eyes, or the tears threatening to fall that made him go soft for a second, before he put his mask back on. That's when I knew this was a lost cause, but I still didn't  give up. I still have a little bit of hope left.

I knew he was furious. His knuckles turned white against the table, like he was preventing himself from hitting me. He looked at me in the eyes, and boy what I saw in them scared me. I knew he made his decision and was not going to go back.  

"Whether you want it or not, you will get married next month and that is final. I don't want to hear your words on that matter anymore. Just stop being selfish for once and do what your dear father wants you to. Isn't it what the religion you follow teaches you?" The little bit of hope just vanished. Reality came crashing down, and oh lord that hurt. I couldn't hold it anymore, so I just ran out of the house with no direction in mind. Ya Allah, please help me.


End of chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So what do you think about it?

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