Chapter 4

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"Blood alone doesn't make you family. At the end of the day, it is who loves you, and is always there for you that matters" ~Safiatou Diallo

Malik's POV

After I was done eating, I got up and went out with Tony, since my secretary was going to take care of the bill later. He took the keys out and went on the driver's side, so I took the opposite side and sat down.

"You shouldn't be driving on your state young man" he stated, like it wasn't obvious.

"Just shut up and drive" I told him

"Going home to take the suitcase?" He asked. And I just nodded my head.

After few minutes, we were already home. I got out of the car and went inside. Mama Tasmeen has already prepared my suitcase. She is like a mother to me. I've known her my whole life and she has been taking care of me since forever. She is also one of the few people I actually trust and really care about. My mother? I don't really remember her that much. But the bit of memories of her that I have are conflicted. In some, but very little she was smiling, but she was mostly crying and was really sad. I don't even want to think about it. So I just went in and gave Mama Tasmeen a kiss on the forehead.

"My big boy is finally getting married she said in her fine voice, pinching my cheeks. She smiled before adding

"I thought this day would never come. I dreamt of this so much", by now she was about to cry "but was hoping it would be with your one true love, not because of a contract"

I gave her a warning with my eyes. "But Mama, we already talked about this. I would never find my true love. I am not destined to love"

She looked at me and smiled. "My son, you will one day and insha Allah, you will not let her go"

I ignored the fact that she mentioned God above. She is a great believer, but I am not. Not ever since he took my mother away...

"Just go get married. I wish I could assist. But I am just going to stay here and get the house ready for her. At least I won't be alone" I chuckled at that, joking while serious at the same time? That is Mama Tasmeen for you

"Mama, so are you saying that I am not enough for you? Is that it" I asked with a fake surprised voice, putting my hand on top of my chest .

" You are and always will be my son. And you alone are enough" she said pinching my cheeks. By now you figured that she always does that. Even though she is old, she always takes care of me. I always ask her to rest, but she never listens.

"You are going to be late. Don't make your father wait. I will miss you this week. Have a safe trip son"she says giving me a hug.

"I'll miss you too mama. I'll be back as soon as possible." I said before giving her one last kiss on the forehead. I will truly miss her. I always make sure that all of my trips only last for a week at most, so I will be back to see her.

I take my suitcase and bring it in the car. She waves at me from the porch and I wave back before getting in the car. Tony drove off and we were now heading towards the airport.

After passing a traffic that I thought would never end, we were finally at the airport. Once we got there someone came to pick up our luggage.  I just couldn't wait to go to Dubai and then come back to London. I can't wait to finalize this contract with my father, marry that girl and divorce her the next day. I am pretty sure the contract only says to marry the girl and then I will own 75%of my father's assets. Once all of that is mine, I won't need to stay married to her and I can finally release her and be single again.

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