Chapter 36

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"Friends are the family we choose for ourselves"~Edna Buchanan

Yasmin's POV:

"Come on now Swa, we are not going for a photoshoot" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. This girl finally came back from her trip a day ago and we were all excited. We were about to go for my orientation at my new school. Yes you read that right, Malik and I decided that now that I don't have to worry about Omar's school, I can finally pursue a higher education.

"Aren't you a little too excited for this?" Asked Fatimah who was just sitting on the couch biting into an apple

"Obviously I don't want to be late for my orientation"

"First of all, the school is 10 minutes away, and you have a full hour before your orientation" added Swa, walking down the stairs like a princess. She might be right, but I won't give her that satisfaction

"It's better to be early than late"

"Whatever, ready girls?" Her grin is starting to freak me out, it's never a good sign

We all went outside and got in the car. I am starting to get used to being in a car without freaking out due to the accident. But I am still not ready to drive yet, maybe one day. Malik is away for a day, he has an important meeting oversees and he canceled it after I told him not to, so I did not speak to him for 30 minutes and being the scaredy cat that he is, he called them back and told them he would only be there for few hours instead of two days, that he had to come back the same day to his wife. We both liked that agreement, and that is what explains his absence. I do not want to be a burden for him, I don't want him to stop working just because of me.

"Dreaming about hubby huh?" Swa grinned

"I don't think it is a good idea for me to get married. Woman you are never on this planet" laughed Fatimah

"Forgive me for traveling to dreamland. In case you haven't noticed, it is a really nice place. And I will be waiting for you two after your weddings. How I pity those two unlucky gentlemen. They will start getting white hair before 40"

"What makes you think that he won't be 70 by the time we get married?" added Swa

"Eww" both Fatimah and I said at the same time "I guess you are talking about your grandfather's friends" We laughed

"Come on Meen, don't you know that older guy are more matured and know how to take care of their women? I mean look at my brother for example, isn't he almost 30?"

"Swa, but look at him though, he is so yummy, those muscles, that hotness, I am pretty sure he has abs, right Yasmin?" How I want to punch her

I just rolled my eyes, even though I was already thinking about his abs, will never get use to his hotness, but that is a secret I prefer keeping to myself "Fatimah can you stop thinking about my hubby, if you haven't noticed, he is taken"

"By a Queen Fatimah, put that in your head, and ewww please don't refer to my brother and the word yummy in the same sentence at least not in front of me"

We all bursted at Swa's expression. How I miss these ladies.

"We are here" said Swa as she was finding a parking spot. we all got out of the car and started going towards the place where the orientation was going to happen. This is going to be fun!!!


"How do you like your schedule?" the ladies asked me as we were going inside the car. They were on their own most of the time, as I had to follow the other students to listen to a bunch of bald men, apparently they were some sort of alumni

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