Chapter 31

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"Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own Soul"~Unknown

Malik's POV

Cursed, that is what I am. Every time I start to be happy, there is always something to ruin it. Isn't that what a curse is all about? Right after I get a taste of paradise, I am once again reminded that I am nothing but a broken monster, and I am not destined to love or happiness. I guess it was just too much to ask. I just wonder what I did to deserve this. All my life, I've done nothing but try to be the best version of myself. Well maybe not really the best, since I've been pushing everyone away. Everyone in my life left me: my mom, my dad, my friends who only followed me for recognition, the ladies for the same reason, my fortune and my looks.

Hell, I wonder why Tony and Swa are still in my life, maybe so they can assist to my downfall. My Dad only sees me as a way to close deals, that is why I separated myself from him, after all, he is only a killer, he killed my mom when she was young, maybe not literally, but he ruined her. Because of him, I don't know what it is to grow up with a mother. He thinks I do not know about what he's done, only a lesser man will abuse of a woman. All my life, he only cared about his company, how to make it better, how I can help him make it stronger. Never once, did he ask me how I felt about all of this, that is why I will take the only thing he ever really cared about. After the contract was over, I was planning on merging our companies and kicking him out of it, one way or another, that is why I accepted this wedding in the first place. But what still bothers me, is why he chose her in the first place, I thought he will choose one of our competitors heiress to benefit from that too, not Yasmin. I mean he was against my relationship with Bella because she does not own a company even though she is successful, so what did he gain from this contract? Because this man only cares about money. Whatever it was, it was totally worth it, because I was able to meet the love of my life

Since the first time I saw Yasmin, I knew she was too pure for me. I've always known I was broken, Hell I was even selfish to do all of this just for a contract, not once considering how she was feeling. I knew I was not right for her, but still could not let her go, and little by little, I fell in love with her. Thinking about her all the time, what to do to make her happy and that hella scared me. Even my ex fiancé Isabella, the one I was about to marry, I thought I loved her, but now I realized that what I was feeling for her was nothing compared to my feelings for Yasmin. I knew that if it became serious with green, I might transform her, make her bitter, and she will lose that light in her. I did not want that, that is why I tried my best to stay away from her, but it was just too much, the attraction between us was stronger than a magnet. Yasmin bewitched me.

So yeah, I still cared about Isabella, but never once did I think about cheating on Yasmin with her or anyone else. I know that feeling too well thanks to Isabella, and her coming back once again reminded me of that, but I did not care, not about that considering I had Yasmin in my life. Of course I went to help her when she called me because we were both friends before, but that is it. But of course no one can deny that Isa is beautiful, that was what attracted me towards her at first, after that we became friends with benefits, and later on made everything official. I was happy, she was too, hell, I even proposed to her, wanted to marry before she decided I was not good enough for her, that she had to go with Father. Out of everyone, all the men on earth, she did not find anyone to cheat on me if it wasn't my with genitor. That's what hurt me the most. It took me some time to get over it, but I eventually did. I even forgot she existed, and then Yasmin came into my life and made everything better. With her innocence, smile, everything about her. She understood me like no one did. She was not scared of me like the others, she did not see me as a monster, and just saw me as a man. She loved me as a person, not because of my money, or my looks. For once again, I was genuinely happy, I was in love before everything collapsed once again.

I can't believe all of this happened because of one silly mistake, going to Isabella's penthouse instead of just calling the police and leaving it to that. I should have known that she would try something after I refused to meet her, I should have known better than to trust her words, after all she is a great actress, a liar. What upsets me the most is that this cost me more than I ever imagined.

But the problem this time is that I lost something, something dear to me, something I can never take back, my firstborn and any chance of being a happy family with Yasmin and our children. Not only that, I broke the heart of the one woman I truly loved with all my heart. I understand why she is pissed at me, but I won't stop proving to her that I am sorry. I messed up, big time, but I just hope she will give me a second chance, because I won't stop asking for it

It breaks my heart to know that I lost my baby, that the love of my life will never be the mother of my child, it's even worse to know that it broke hers, all of this because of one mistake. This one mistake that is worth more than a Billion Dollar, actually no amount of money will be enough to pay for it, but one thing is sure, I will not give up on Yasmin, I will not give up on our love, and I sure hope that it's not too late.


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Next update will depend on the support. Until then,kisses 😘


March 18th, 2018

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