Chapter 27

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"A strong friendship doesn't need a daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends never part"~Unknown

Yasmin's POV

~2 months later~

"Come on Green you can do it" whined Malik

"What if I try and I bump into something else? This is a new car and I really don't want to ruin it"

"Oh For God's sake just do it Yasmin" he said running his hands through his dark hair. I just looked at him and grinned

"What now?" He asked

"You just said God" I said smiling. He just looked in front of him not saying anything else. I realized recently that he's been mentioning him a few times. I mean sometimes he is a jerk but he is still trying. Like right now he was teaching me how to drive. He bought a new car specially for it, and let's just say that I am scared as hell. I mean I love cars, naturally but that does not mean I am a big fan of driving them. I am sitting on the driver's seat and well he is just next to me but I am still scared. What if I hit something or someone, but well he's been sweet enough to bring us to a big empty parking lot for us to practice. So the someone will have to be him or me, oh well at least he is confident enough to be in this car with me.

"Yeah that's it, you got it" he said in a little voice I look in front of him and realized that I was actually driving, not too fast but I was doing it. Oh my God I know how to drive

"Just stop grinning like an idiot now please" He added when I did not say anything, what a way to ruin the moment. But that did not stop me from grinning

"How about what you promised me huh Mr Serious face?"

"Please stop calling me that"

"Well you call me green and tigress all the time, did you stop after I told you not to? No" I replied rolling my eyes, at the same time stopping the car

"Well your eyes are green for the records and well, you are a tigress in"-

"You better not finish that sentence Malik Qureshi" I said while glaring him

"Wow tigress calm down, let's go get your ice cream" he said getting out of the car. He is smart after all. I just smiled and got out too. We went to his car where he was actually the driver, because I was not ready to ruin his lambo yet. After a few minutes we were already  in front of an ice cream shop. We went inside and the smell hit me so strong that I wanted to throw up. I just showed him the bathroom and went straight in and let's just say that I emptied my stomach once I was in. I washed my mouth and got out to find him holding my chocolate Mint and his chocolate ice cream. With my now empty stomach, I didn't mind the smell. I took it and smiled at him


"A promise is a promise"he replied before we both went outside and in his car

"I have to go to work, it's almost 1pm, I have some documents to go over if you don't mind, I'll just bring you home right now " He told me

"I don't mind" I told him smiling again. But honestly, I wish he could stay here. Some people might think that I am crazy but after being with him for almost five months, I can confidently say that I love him. Yes, he is mean sometimes, he is a first class jerk, he is an idiot, but at the same time he can be sweet, caring, and responsible. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I truly care about him, and for me, this is more than a contract, but I am pretty sure that he will leave me right after it ends. Maybe that is why he did not discuss having a baby with me, because it will tie him down, or what happened during the only night we spent together. I never fully brought it up, and whenever I tried, he would always change the subject, or whenever the air changes around us, he goes running somewhere else, just so he wouldn't kiss me. At first I used to feel really bad thinking that I did something wrong but with time I realized the problem was with him, not me and I started feeling less disappointed. This did not stop me from falling for him. I just wish  he felt the same towards me.

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