Chapter 26

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"When you are willing to compromise and make sacrifices for someone, that's where you feel true love"~Unknown

Malik's POV:

He is not going to lie, he slept like a baby the previous night, with Yasmin in his arms, wishing he would stay like that forever, but sadly, this was not a fairytale, no matter how long he wanted the night to be, the sun came up, reality hit and he realized no matter how amazing it was, it wasn't a good idea. He was not supposed to do this, he was not supposed to take her innocence. He was supposed to be by her side until the year was over, now what did he do? This was not part of his plans at all. He gets up and takes a quick shower. The only thing in his mind was how to make up for it, but it's impossible, he is mad at himself, for not resisting, there is no one else to blame, no matter how messed up it sounds.

Going in the kitchen and making her a surprise breakfast might be a good idea? But how to tell her that he did not plan this ? Even though he is her husband? Most likely she does not feel the way he feels towards her, I mean with his crappy personality, who can love him? Even if she did, that is a big if, he is not good enough for her, he will destroy her one way or another. Now he is not sure whether being nice to her was a good idea, but knowing it was her first time, he wants to cook her some breakfast, and maybe later they will talk about all of this. Yeah that sounds like a great idea

After making some toast and eggs, he decided to bring her breakfast in his room. Going in there and seeing her sleeping face, made him feel worse. She looks so pure, innocent and beautiful. Anyone who decides to hurt her is a jerk, including himself. I guess she felt him because she started shifting from his bed and opened her green eyes slowly

"Good morning"she said smiling
He just looked at her before answering "Good morning"

"What's wrong? You look sad" She stated without a doubt

"Uhm, I brought you breakfast" he said not answering her question

"Thank you, but you did not have to, I am sorry I overslept I should have cooked for you, not the other way around"

"Hey it's alright, eat something you must be tired and hungry" he stopped her. He is the one who was supposed to feel guilty, not her. She did not do anything wrong, he is the one who messed up. From now on, he should be more careful around her. Not really linger around her unless it's really necessary. So he did what he knows best

"I have to go to work, I am already late and there are a lot of deals I have to close" He lied to her face, with a serious face

"Oh, um I see, silly me, I thought you would stay here today. But go ahead, I hope you will have a great day" she said disappointed

He just turned around and went straight downstairs, with his car key in his hand, he was quick to drive to his safe haven, which was only known by him and Swa. He found the place when he was with his sister, he was mad at her for something stupid now that he thinks about it, he drove and indeed she followed him, to lose her he went inside of the forest, after running around he finally came face to face to a place that was so beautiful. With the clear water that seemed to be running forever, the rocks embracing it like a barrier and the sand just everywhere else. This was the best place to come to clear your head, it was so magical because after Swa's explanation, which by the way sounded dumb, he forgave her. From then, it became THEIR place. Whenever he has to make an important decision, he always comes here and everything else seems to resolve itself or he comes up with a great solution.

But this time, he does not know if there will be a solution to the problem he is facing, or if it is something he wants to solve. In one side, he really cares about her and want to stay with her, on the other side, he knows he is not good for her, and knows he does not deserve her. He knows he is great at making deals, charming people, and using them to his own benefit, but he does not want her to be his next victim. Anyone but her

After staying there for hours, the only thing he came up with was to give himself one last chance to resist her, but if he sees that it is not working, he is calling off this whole thing, he is going to divorce her, and set her free.

His decision being made, he goes back to his car to go home, thinking that he was ready to face her. Only if he knew


I know this is a little shorter than what I usually post, but remember the previous one was super long plus this chapter is to let you guys know what is going on inside of our handsome Malik's head

So, What do you think about this chapter? Do you like when I put his POV in the third person or you prefer the first?

Please Vote and comments your thoughts. I would like to hear them, also, they motivate me to update :)


January 24th, 2018

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