Chapter 16

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"The most simple things can bring the most happiness"~Isabella Scorupco

Yasmin's POV

After what felt like ten minutes, I could feel someone shaking me

"Mom, give me 10 more minutes" I said half asleep and half awake, still not opening my eyes

"Mom seriously?" a voice, sadly too familiar, bursted out laughing

"Shut up Tony" said, another voice sounding really annoyed. Wait, that does not sound like my mom at all. I started moving, and this does not feel like a garden filled with flowers at all, it feels a lot harder, more like a chair. I opened one  eye, then both and jumped from the chair, pushing whoever was next to me

"Seriously green?" Yelled Malik while rubbing his forehead. Aww, poor forehead

"Well, it's not my fault, it is yours, you shouldn't have been so loud and near me"

He raised one perfect eyebrow before adding "You know you don't make any sense right now, right? But how was I supposed to wake you up?"

"Did you try what is called calling someone's name" I responded sarcastically, he is really getting on my nerves

"Like I didn't try it"

"You guys are so cute, you are making me jealous" said Tony in a girly voice

"Shut up" we both said at the same time. We all were shocked and just didn't move for like ten seconds before Malik glared at me while putting his hand on his forehead, and I glared back at him, even though I felt bad. He is a man after all, so he should just suck it up; why should he act like a little boy

I looked around and realized that we were on the ground already, so I unlocked my seat belt, ran outside of the airplane and started looking around. I could feel the warm air hitting me straight on the face. I could also feel both men behind me, not that I was paying attention, I was too busy looking for our car. I saw a black limousine in front of me, I stopped on my track and was staring at it, so this is how a limousine looks like in real life? Wow. It is so long and beautiful I thought when I suddenly felt a hand on my jaw, before I could bring my tongue backwards, it was too late my lips closed violently, causing my teeth to bite into the tip of my tongue. Ouch that hurts, and the idiot just passed me, not even apologizing for forcing me to close my mouth, and I coud see a smirk at the corners of his mouth.

"Idiot" I murmured under my breath, while glaring at his back, and the idiot didn't even care about turning around to see if I was alright or not

A laugh made me turn my head towards the one and only Tony, and after glaring at him he closed his mouth and hurried after Malik. They went inside of the car or should I say limousine, and I followed after, taking my sweet time just to annoy them. When I went inside of the car, I saw that it didn't work since Tony was looking out the window and Mr. Serious Face was typing something on his phone. So I just sat down, glaring at both of them during the whole ride, not even enjoying my first time in a fancy car like this, because of these two idiots. After like 20 minutes, the car suddenly stopped and I saw Malik ranging his phone in his pocket, taking his laptop bag and going outside, so I took the end of my dress, and followed him.

Once we were all outside, Tony grinned at me waving his hand as a good bye sign. Good for him, because I was starting to get tired of his annoying face, he gave Mr. Serious a side hug and they started talking really fast in a small voice. Being the nosy person I am, I tried to go nearer to hear what they were saying, it's like they knew, they both turned around, stared at me and shook their head at me in a disappointed way. So I turned around, acted like I was not trying to eavesdrop at all. That is when I actually noticed the house in front of me, not too big, or small either, just the perfect size. It's a two story house and I just love it. From the outside, we could see all the windows of the house, made of glass, and the wall were covered by a white paint, classy and Elegant, I can't wait to visit the inside.

"Are you going to stand there forever?" He asked acting nonchalently

"This house is so beautiful, did you buy it yourself?"

"No,... I designed it"

"What? You, you, you...designed this" I said looking at him, and the house. He had a small smile on his lips, almost invisible, but it was still there. I can't believe this, he designed this house himself. But he might be playing right?

"Are you kidding or are serious, how can I know you are telling the truth?" I asked staring at him to detect any signs of him lying, but couldn't find none. Either he is right he designed it, or he is really good at lying, and knowing he is a business man, it can be either one. But for now, I will leave him the benefit of doubt.

He raised his shoulders before responding "Thanks for the compliment, and for the second part, you will just have to believe me on this, or not, either way, that is your problem and not mine. Come on, it's chilly outside, I am going to show you your room" He stated before taking the suitcases and going inside the house, he typed a pin and the door opened. This is so cool. I made a mental note to ask him for the pin when he is not so grumpy.

We both went inside of the house and the first thing I saw was a living room before seeing a set of stairs. We went up and turned on the right.

"As you can see, this is a two story house. The left side is mine, and let's just say you have no business over there okay?"

"Yes Sir" I responded turning my lips into a thin line and he looked at me weirdly, before clearing his throat

"You are so weird. Anyways, your room is on the right side, the one at the end of the wall" He said, bringing my suitcase inside of the chosen bedroom. I ignored his comment on how weird I am. I will just take
that as a compliment since being normal is really boring. Right? Or not.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be posted in few days

Please Vote and comments your thoughts. I would like to hear them, also, they motivate me to update :)

They don't have to be related to the story or anything. It can just be random.

Also, constructive feedbacks are always welcome


November 28th 2017

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