Chapter 28

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"Some mistakes are worth a Billion Dollar, or actually no amount of money will be enough to pay for them"~ChocolateLoverQueen

Yasmin's POV

"Really? Tell me this is not a dream"I asked not believing what the doctor just told.

"Yes Mrs Qureshi, you are not dreaming, you are very pregnant. Your next appointment will be in a week, just to make sure everything is normal. From the info we have here, you are two months pregnant. And in two months, we will discover the sex of the baby" answered my doctor

I can not believe this, I can not believe there is a little guy growing inside of my tummy. Oh lord thank you so much for blessing me with a child, I can't wait to tell Swa and Malik. Swa is going to be so excited. Oh my God how am I going to tell Malik? Should I surprise him? No should I call him here? I don't know what to do. No let me call him. So I take my phone and call him twice, without a response. Fine I will just surprise him once he gets home, I hope he will be as excited as I am right now.

"Thank you so much doctor" I told her giving her a hug, she just laughed "You all have a good night and I'll see you in a week" I told everyone before going outside and getting in the car.

Today I felt like driving, so I put the key in and soon started heading back home. I wonder if Malik called me back, I can't stop smiling, I am so happy. Taking my phone, I see a notification telling me I received a message, I opened it quickly thinking that it was from Malik, only to see that it was a message from an unknown number, and it says

-Want to know what your dear hubby is up to behind your back? See for yourself and three other pictures appeared below clicking on it, I see what I wished I could unsee

3 pictures, all of them were of Malik with a half naked brunette, on what looks like a bed, making out. What the hell? And he was wearing the shirt I picked out for him today

I couldn't help the tears from falling, Malik did not just cheat on me, did he? Maybe it was someone else on the picture, but who am I kidding?

I tried to get rid of my tears, just when I suddenly saw a car right in front of me, I tried to turn left, only it was too late, the other person was safe,

But I was not so lucky because I went straight ahead into a tree. My vision slowly became blurry, the only thought in my head was my baby, before everything else turned completely black around me.

Malik's POV

[An hour earlier]

"There is someone on the line sir, a certain Isabella Petrova" After hearing that name, I froze on my tracks. It's been forever since the last time I saw her, or heard her name

I cleared my throat, before asking "Are you sure that is the name?"

"Yes sir, and she said you would want to hear what she has to say" responded my new secretary facing me.

"Is everything okay sir, you sure look pale. Do you want me to tell her to call back later?"

"It's okay Alicia, I got it thank you. You can go back to your work" I told her, slowly picking the phone

"Isabella" I breathed on the phone

"Oh Darling, why so formal? Why don't you call me Bella, like you usually do, or mon amour like you preferred ?"

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