Chapter 18

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"The kinder and more thoughtful a person is, the more kindness they can find in other people"~Leo Tolstoy

Yasmin's POV

Bip Bip Bip

I turned around to look at my ringing phone, it was the alarm that I set to wake up and cook breakfast. I am pretty sure that Malik will still go to work today, he seems to be a workaholic and just nothing stops him from working. I just hope that after having a good breakfast, he wouldn't be too hungry at work, considering he must be tired from the travel too.

I got off the bed, went in the bathroom, to take a quick shower, after I was done, I attached my hair into a loose ponytail. For some reason, my hair rather auburn, looked ginger today. That's weird I thought as I made my bed real quick and just put a scarf on my shoulders before going outside of my room, closing the door behind me. I made sure to go down the stairs with minimum noise in case he was sleeping, because I hate when people made noise while I was sleeping. Once I was in the kitchen, I saw a petite form of an elderly woman moving around, she was not here yesterday. So I just cleared my throat and waited until she turned around and looked at me

"Oh my, you scared me dear" She said with a smile, while putting her small hand on her chest. Now I felt bad for what I did

"I am sorry, it wasn't my intention"

"It's alright dear, you are so beautiful, and polite, my Malik hit the jackpot this time"

I blushed at this, I am not good with compliments, so I just looked around "Thank you"

"I just came back from the store, I did grocery shopping for the week, you should be fine in case I am not here" She winked after saying that . Why wouldn't she be here? Realization dawned on me, what she was implying, oh my God, my face must be red like a tomato because I heard her laughing.

"It's not like that" I added, hoping she would get the hint. Oh God I am so embarrassed

"It's alright, it is totally normal, you guys are a new couple and by the way, I am like Malik's second mom since I took care of him since he was born" She stated proudly

"Nice meeting you mother in law" we looked at each other and bursted out laughing


"I was just about to cook breakfast, is there anything specific you want?" I asked Malik once he came down the stairs. He was fully dressed in his black suit and looks like a guy straight from a magazine. He frowned at my question, like I said something stupid, and shook his head before heading towards the kitchen. I followed him, because I was confused, does it mean I can cook whatever I want? Or is he too good to eat my food, unless he actually thought I would poison him like he said yesterday? His whole posture changed and I saw him kissing the forehead of the elderly woman that was in the kitchen.

"Good morning Mama Tasmeem" he said with a sweet voice. What? Malik can be sweet? I did not imagine this.

"Hello my boy, hope you slept well"

"Of course mama, I did. I am leaving for work so I'll see you tonight?"He asked sounding hopeful

"Yes of course" after hearing this, he grinned like a little boy and kissed her again. He then opened the fridge, took out the orange juice and poured some in a glass. He drowned the whole liquid down his throat in 5 seconds, wow, that was impressive. He checked the time on his watch before saying bye to Mama Tasmeem and hurrying off the kitchen. Did he just past by me without saying bye? I thought we were friends by now, since we have to live together and all. So I followed him until he got into one of his cars, from the looks of it, I would guess it's a 2017 Lamborghini Aventador, Oh my God, how classy. He turned around and stared at me

"How did you know?" He asked so surprised that his eyes looked like they were about to come out of their sockets . I guess I voiced out my last thought without realizing it

"I've always liked cars, I guess that is how I knew"

He was still shocked, after looking at me intently, I turned around from his gaze, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"I'll see you later" he said before quickly hopping in the car, it didn't take him seconds, before he was pulling out of the driveway, like he was being chased away. Have a good day I said, before going back inside of the house to find Mama Tasmeem trying to wiggle her eyebrows which looked like she was fighting an invisible monster on her face. I laughed at her and just followed her in the kitchen


After eating breakfast and cleaning the whole house with Mama Tasmeem, I was exhausted now, since I forced her to sit down most of the time, and I practically did everything. So I started to make small talk with her, she knows a lot of things about me, and I know some stuff too. Like she has a son who is a little younger than Malik and is still single, she was telling me how if I wasn't married to Malik, I was going to be her daughter in law. But now it doesn't really matter since I am her daughter in law anyways; it actually made me happy to hear her say that. She also told me that she is always there whenever she is not here.

"Talking about when you are not here, how does Malik eat then" I asked curiously

"Well, he can buy things from outside, or cooks, he is actually a great cook, even though he doesn't do it often"

"Malik knows how to cook?"

"Yeah, but he rarely eats breakfast. He does not like eating early in the morning, that is why he rarely cooks breakfast" This was really news, I didn't beg Malik for the cooking type, but I noticed that he is also full of surprises. Now I feel bad for mentally judging him for not wanting to eat breakfast. But I got a great idea. If he doesn't eat breakfast, then a surprise lunch will be great for him right?

"Mama Tasmeem, what do you think about a surprise lunch for Malik?" I asked smiling

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean cooking his favorite dish and bringing it to his workplace" She looked thoughtful, before smiling at me

"That would be great"

"It's a plan then" I added grinning like a fool


I finished cooking everything with the help of Mama Tasmeem, and was all dressed up to go visit Malik. I made sure I looked nice and decent before taking the lunch box filled with the food, saying bye to her and getting in the taxi that I called. It was an old man, and I just gave him the address that I wrote on a piece of paper, he looked at it again before asking me if it was really where I was going, I answered him yes and he started driving. After what felt like 10 minutes, we were already outside of the company, I paid him the money and got out of the car.

I looked around at the huge building in front of me, QURESHI & CO, starting to regret my decision. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, before my beating heart made me act on my cowardliness and just go back the way I came.


What did you think about this chapter? Yasmin is so stubborn, and now she is at Malik's workplace without permission. What do you think is going to happen? Dun Dun Dun

Please Vote and comments your thoughts. I would like to hear them, also, they motivate me to update :)

They don't have to be related to the story or anything. It can just be random

December 2nd, 2017

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