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"Someday you'll look back and understand why it all happened the way it did"~Unknown

~~~~~~~~~2 years later~~~~~~~~


"A chocolate bar please" I yelled while sitting comfortably on the couch, my feet forming an X, with the remote in my hands, I just keep changing the channels, not quite knowing what I wanted to watch.

"Anything for my two princesses" Said Malik a little too excited .He walked towards me hand me the chocolate bar, give me a quick kiss on the lips before bending down to kiss my big belly

"I told you many times, there is a possibility that our unborn child will be a boy"

"And I told you many times that the baby is a girl. It's a girl, my little princess"

I just laugh at his expression "Whatever floats your boat"

"You already know what floats my boat" He winked at me

"Eww Malik, I am 9 months pregnant"

"Yess 9 months pregnant and still sexy as hell" He smirked looking at me from my head to my toes.

This guy seriously needs help."You are making me hungry, and what you put on the stove smells so delicious, I want some" I ignore his sexual innuendo, when I heard my stomach growling. As much as I love Malik, or his teasing, my first love will always be food. He just shakes his head muttering something in the lines of 'No amount of food will be enough to fill my stomach', yeah right

"I am eating for two" I yelled as he was walking to the kitchen

"Yeah, nice excuse my love"

"you know I am right Malik!"

"Whatever floats your boat" He answered back grinning. The jerk, how dare he! I am so going to kill him. Before I imagined the different ways to perform that action, I suddenly felt a warm tickle of fluid running down my legs, than a gush of what looked like water fell down like a waterfall.

"Malik, my water broke" I muttered as I started feeling intense pain on my lower abdomen. Oh shit, my water actually broke,
Malik came running out of the kitchen like a mad man with his keys in his hand. I was holding my belly as it suddenly got heavier than usual, and I was feeling a type of pain I never felt before, so this is what people meant by contraction?

Everything else was blurry, Malik helping me to get into his car, him driving fast but also slow at the same time, how is that even possible? He managed to do it anyways. His funny expression that would have made me laugh like crazy if I did not feel like I was dying. The next thing I knew, I was on a wheelchair in the hospital being rushed into a room that I did not bother to look at the design.

With tears falling out of my eyes, a worried Malik holding my hand and kissing my forehead and hands once in a while, sweat dripping down my back, the intense pain of the contractions and the pushing, hours later, a little prince was brought into the world


I was finally out of the hospital after Malik insisted like crazy that I stay there because I quote "you are still weak my love and I don't want you to bleed to death". The amount of colorful words I heard from him that day made me regret not having a swearing jar for him, I would have been a billionaire by now. The poor guy was more stressed than I was. From his expression, I am pretty sure my next birth will be in the house. We had a whole argument months before, I told him clearly I want to go to a hospital like a regular human being, and give birth there. He wanted me to have a doctor following me everywhere like a lost puppy, and that was something I was not ready for.

I understand that the labor was risqué considering that I was told I could never have a child unless a miracle happens. I lost all hope, and thought a part of me died, but my God did not forget me, he already had a plan all laid out for me. Even though I lost an offspring, I was blessed with the most handsome baby boy ever, with Malik's silver eyes, forehead, my pointy nose, he looked like nothing less than a little prince. OUR little prince.

Right now, the baby is sleeping soundly in the living Room, that little devil. The TV was on as Fatima, Swa, Tony and I were joking like usual, Malik was in the kitchen washing the baby's bottles, while Mama Tasmeem was cooking lunch. Yup you definitely read that right, he didn't go to work today because he was taking a 'paternity leave' it was my first time hearing such a thing. But since he is staying home to help me with the chores, and being "lovely" as always, yeah right lovely should be put in quotation, I don't mind it at all. My little brother Omar was soundly asleep next to me, while my Dad had my little Ahmed in his arms, that was such a beautiful sight. Tony flirting with Fatimah without being ashamed, Swa hiding her jealousy, Fatima enjoying it, but acting annoyed. I turn around to see that Malik was just standing outside of the kitchen, taking in the scene, I get up to go next to him. He smiles at me and open up his arms, he gave me a kiss on the forehead and put his arms around me protectively. In his arms, I find comfort and the love I need. Looking at the scenery in front of me, I couldn't ask for more

"Thank You green for giving me a family" he whispered softly in my ears

I just smile in turn "Thank you Malik, for being you" I replied, but thanking more the lord for all of this.

I am not saying that I won't face any difficulties in the future, but if one thing is sure, I sure won't face it alone. I am not alone anymore, I have a husband who loves me for me, and whom I love dearly, a little sunshine in our life and just everything I need to keep moving forward.

With his arms around me, the whole family in the living room, our little prince snoring soundly on the couch, I am happy. I am truly happy and I wouldn't ask for more. Closing my eyes, with a smile on my face I am looking forward to what the future has planned for us.


The End of A Billion Dollar Mistake, or should I say their story  goes on?
I had a lot of fun writing this story, of course there was a lot of time when I just wanted to stop it, but you guys kept me motivated, so I want to thank all of you for being amazing readers.

I will definitely miss Yasmin and Malik, but not too much, as we will see them once in a while in "A Billion Dollar Sin"😉 which will be about Fatima and Sebastian (Tony), I already posted the prologue to show you that I will start writing it once I have more time. Here's the link:


I can't thank you guys enough for following me through this journey, and discovering these characters. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Much love,
~Chocolate Lover Queen

Completed as of September 3rd, 2018

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